Volume 4

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Reiko followed Yuki down the gardens on campus, hearing for anyone or something in the shadows. She was way more cautious this time around, since it is new territory for her, having her hand by her satchel. After some time passed they met at the fountain, Reiko dipped her hand in the water, swaying her hand in slow circular motions. Yuki giggled at her actions, she copied her actions and playfully splashed some water on her sleeve. Reiko gasped at the cold splash, she looked at Yuki in confusion and splashed her back, soon the area was surrounded by their laughs as they were lightly soaked. "Hey! What the hell are you both doing?! ", they froze as they recognized the voice scolding them, Zero approached them saying,"You are supposed to be on duty! Not playing like children!". "Zero, we already searched this area and she is still not familiar to this campus, so lay off a bit will ya!", Yuki exclaimed, Reiko felt some shame for the minor situation. "I-I'm sorry...it won't happen again, the fountain is beautiful and I couldn't ignore it...", she explained, Zero only scoffed at the girls.
They continued their watch as they entered the area near the Academic Campus, seeing the reflections of the moon and the light clouds strewn across the sky. The searched the sides of the building making sure no one snuck off or attempted to leave, keeping an eye out for each other. Reiko noticed someone's shadow from a window above, she recognized it was the student that helped her up earlier that day. He waved with a cheerful smile, which made Reiko slightly disgusted. She walked back towards the others, ignoring the vampire's gesture. She spotted Yuki and Zero arguing again, which made her realize that it's quite common for them to bicker THIS much. "Why did you let her wander off?!", Zero stated as he swatted the back of Yuki's head. "OW! I did not think she would separate from us! Besides I'm fairly certain she can defend herself, you do remember that she came to us after killing a Level E!?", she said as she pouted. Reiko jogged over and waved them down, Yuki spotted her and ran to her immediately. "Oh my god! Why did you disappear like that?! We were so worried about you!", she said shaking Reiko slightly. "H-Hey! Nothing happened to me, I just wandered off for a bit, I'm still getting my bearings of the place after all...", she reassured them. Yuki sighed in relief, Zero scoffed slightly as he walked down the main path.
The girls followed him towards the bridge, still keeping an eye out for students. Reiko was facing the gardens when she spotted a matching uniform walking out through the sea of trees. She sprinted and jumped down the bridge, not even warning the others. "H-Hey! What are you doing?!", they both shouted as the followed her. Reiko landed on a tree branch, she sprung down and chased the student. The student was alerted and began sprinting as well, going another direction. Reiko noticed his plan was to still go towards the building so she ran towards the edge of the gardens to cut him off. She hid in a bush as the student made it to the area she was in. The student was the same one she found earlier sneaking out of class, she smirked as she stepped out of the bush surprising the male instantly.
"Seriously? Sneaking out again?", Reiko commented as she stood several meters away from the student. He scoffed at her, annoyed that he had to face her once more. "I'm Reiko Ishizu, member of the Disciplinary Committee and you have broken the rules of sneaking out of your dormitory past your bedtime and attempt to interfere with the Night Class! You will be escorted by me willingly or I will use force if it is needed!", she stated as she showed her white and red sash. The student scoffed again as he glared at Reiko with pure hatred, his hands clenched into fists. He ran towards Reiko, aiming to knock her down, she stepped back in time almost losing her balance. She raised her hands, waiting for his desperate, yet swift swings towards her upper body. "YOU WON'T STOP ME FROM MY TRUE LOVE!", he shouted as he pulled out a small knife, Reiko was even more confused of his motive. "RUKA IS MINE AND YOU WILL NOT STAND IN THE WAY!", he exclaimed as he began slashing at Reiko. She dodged what she could, trying to find a way to knock weapon away or break his stance. He was clearly not as skilled with a weapon, but was dangerous for his set intentions. He wasn't even aware of the fact that Ruka was a vampire, he more than likely had no set plan and was willing to attack the others inside. Reiko grunted as she grew impatient and went to attempt to disarm him, but he was only a second faster. He stabbed her below her left shoulder and pulled the knife away instantly, grinning like a psychopath. "Whoever this RUKA is, would be disgusted by your obsessive actions, she would never love you back!", Reiko shouted as she pulled the chain from her weapon. The student slashed his weapon at her again in anger, catching her forearm slightly. She had enough and used the chain to pull her weapon out and blunt side of the weapon to knock him down. He gasped in shock and collapsed to the ground, she placed her weapon back in her satchel. She groaned in pain as her wound stung from the cool air, she then began to panic from a far worse fate. She wasn't far from the Study Hall, they definitely caught her scent easily with the attack she foolishly handled. She cursed as she tried to call for Yuki and Zero, she carried some bandages, attempting to wrap her arm as she dragged the student with her.
Within a few steps, her felt her heartbeat pace and her balance subsided. She looked at the knife and spotted dried liquid besides her blood stained on it, the blade was laced with some kind of poison. Her eyes widened as her strength waned, losing grip of the boy who attacked her. Reiko felt her chest ache and struggled to breathe slightly. She attempted to crawl and call out for whomever was near her."Someone....help...please....", she said she clenched her wound tight, she spotted two figures running to her, she turned and saw one figure in white right behind her. She felt her eyes well up as she lost hope, her vision suddenly went black and she fell back on the man behind her.
"REIKO! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?!", Yuki shouted as she shook Reiko's face in fear. "She appears to have been poisoned, Yuki...", Kaname said as he lifted Reiko up quickly. "The other student her most likely did it, she was chasing him down from sneaking into the Study Hall earlier today..", Zero stated coldly as he picked up the unconscious boy. They quickly went to the headmaster's dorm since it was the closest place to help Reiko. They spotted the headmaster who noticed their urgency. "What happened to Reiko?! Why is she bleeding?!", he asked as he followed them to the nurse station. Kaname placed her on the gurney began to look for antidote for poison in the cabinets, Zero looked in the drawers to find it as well. "I found it, Zero slip off her uniform quickly, we have to dress the wound quickly after I administer this..", he stated. Zero groaned as he undid her uniform coat and her white shirt underneath, leaving her in her dark undershirt. Kaname went towards the infected arm and injected the antidote urgently, her breathing slowly began to regulate. Yuki hugged the Headmaster as she sobbed into his coat, he comforted her as the two stitched her main stab wound. The slash on her forearm was only slight, Zero disinfected it and began to wrap it with a bandage. "I-is she gonna be okay, Zero?", Yuki asked as she noticed Reiko's arm twitch a bit. Zero noticed Yuki's face was still red from the crying, he shut his eyes as he patted her head in comfort. "I'm sure she'll be okay, no need to get worked up about it, Yuki...", he said as he placed his hand back at his side. "Thank you Kaname for assisting them and saving Reiko's life, it was only her first day on the Disciplinary Committee, the boy was already causing trouble, but for him to be this violent is quite unnerving...", the headmaster stated apologetically. Kaname looked back at Reiko's resting state, her body littered with slight bruises from her fight along with the bandaging on her lower and upper arm. "She will do well here, Reiko stopped an even bigger mess by get herself hurt like this", he stated. "The Night Class smelled the blood instantly, I took the initiative to step in, no need to thank me Headmaster Cross..", he said as he walked towards the door. "She will need to rest for the day, the wounds will make it difficult for her to move her muscles...", he paused as he opened the door. Yuki and Zero nodded as he disappeared into the dark hallway, back to his Night Class. Zero felt a tight, heavy feeling in his chest as he glanced at her wounds once more, he quickly left to the washroom.
Yuki was alerted by it, yet she remained by Reiko's side, caressing her hair. In the washroom, Zero was shaking with his hand clasped against his throat, which felt as dry as a desert. He turned the faucet on, drenching his face along with some of his hair, he then drew long and shaky breaths. He then took a slow glance in the mirror, revealing his once dark, grey eyes, now deep crimson eyes of a blood-thirsty vampire. He looked down instantly as he grabbed his blood tablet case in his jacket, he grabbed a glass he left previously before. He then filled the glass with water, almost a centimeter less from filling the cup completely. He placed a tablet in the water, seeing the red hue spreading from the dissolving tablet. Soon the glass was the shade of fresh blood, Zero took the glass and began to make himself drink the solution. As he finished the glass, he placed the glass down as gently as he could, seeing his eyes fade back to normal. He felt like a timed bomb, waiting to blow up with his overwhelming thirst and the hidden aggression with in him.
After Yuki washed up for the night, they went back to their dorms, with Reiko still in their thoughts. It was only her first day after all, she was almost killed by a human and saved by a vampire, that definitely wasn't expected. Reiko will have plenty more to learn and discover here at this academy, so this is only the beginning....

My Forbidden Bloodlineحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن