Volume 5

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**3rd Person POV (Dream Sequence)
Reiko slowly opened her eyes, her lashes littered with snowflakes and the cold breeze making her jump. She stood up, easily noticing the fight with vampires and humans, her clothes seemed out of a fantasy novel. She hears a horn sound from a few meters away and a group of horse riders appear from the gates of a city. They were in dark armor, covered in a deep red cloak, and a silver pauldron with a red emblem. She couldn't see what the exact marking was, but she was soon on the run as some blood covered vampires ran towards her direction. Their eyes bloodshot from the battle, mouth covered with blood and pieces of flesh, and their hands matching. She found a sword and immediately began slicing the vampires, with such ease. As she finished off the last one that was near her, she looked down and spotted a similar pauldron like the ones on the soldiers she noticed before. She knelt down and wiped the snow from the marking, her eyes widened as it was the marking of the Disciplinary Committee. Reiko backed away as she noticed a silhouette of a someone, she tried going for the sword, but she was too slow.
The man swiftly grabbed her by the throat and within a second they were not on the battlefield, but the gardens of the school. Reiko clawed at the vampire's hand, of course no damage or scarring was made. He chuckled as he held her close, her eyes brimming with tears and her desperate gasps for air were entertaining the vampire. He threw her down with much force, a resounding crack echoed as she collided with ground. She screamed out in pain as she regained oxygen, just breathing made the pain even worse. The man began cackling as she attempted to crawl away, he walked closer to her with his eyes burning red with bloodlust behind his over grown hair. With in seconds she was thrown several meters, her torso colliding with the tree trunk. She coughed out blood as she landed on the ground, her mind and vision weary from the pain she was in. "You have no idea what you are, you are the only thing standing in MY WAY!", the man shouted as he yanked her up. "W-what are you talking a-about?!", she asked as blood spilled from her mouth. He grinned as he neared his face closer to hers, he licked the blood below her lips, making her disgusted. She folded her legs in and pushed against his chest, the force making him lose balance as she landed on her knees. The man glanced back at her, still grinning like a psychopath, Reiko slowly attempted to stand. She stumbled slightly, seeing the man walk towards her again with speed, she spit some blood in his eyes, attempting to blind him. She began to jog away from him, seeing some in a familiar black trench coat, she reached out for them. She called out for help, the figure began to turn towards her, the dark red eyes piercing to hers. As she recognized who the man was, her vision went black....

"Kaname...", she mumbled as she shot up from her bed, her body aching from the fight against that psycho last night. She adjusted herself on the gurney, seeing Yuki and Zero resting in the seats across from her. She smiled from seeing them leaning against each other, but soon felt shame for not staying close to them and nearly getting killed. She looked at all the bandages, lightly touching them and feeling the stitching on the wounds. Tears pooled as her guilt set in, she did what she thought was right as a member of the Disciplinary Committee. The vampire that was targeted most likely wouldn't even care if her life almost exposed, the boy would have been slaughtered in the process.
She wiped her eyes and slowly slid off the gurney, walked to Zero and Yuki's resting figures. "H-Hey, you guys need to go to class...", she stated as she nudged them awake, they groaned as they stood from their seats.
Within a few minutes, Yuki and Zero told Reiko to remain in the Medical Room for the day, she wanted to argue that she would miss the lessons, Yuki reassured she would take notes and share them with her. Reiko sighed as the door clicked shut, her eyes landed on her book bag that was on the side of the chairs. She knelt down to lift the bag, as she attempted to left the bag, a shock of pain took affect making her drop her bag abruptly. She grunted in pain as she held her left arm, tears cascading as she spotted blood staining the bandages. Her eyes darted to the door as she spotted the Headmaster entering the room, he noticed her expression and the pain she was in. "Miss Ishizu!? What happened!?", he exclaimed as he began to examine the wound. He removed the old bandages with pace and began to examine the stitches, checking for any loosened threads. "Well, no damage was made from you lifting the bag, but you have to take it easy though, Reiko...", he stated as he re-wrapped her wound.
He sighed as he placed her bag beside her, she opened her bag and reached her hand in to find her journal. The journal was solid black with slightly faded corners, the pages filled with clipped pieces of paper an bound with a thin silk tie. She dragged her fingers across the spine of the journal, recalling her younger self always ending the day with a journal entry, detailing her day from the moment she would awake to the time she would get ready to sleep. The headmaster saw her eyes glisten, seeing she would need sometime to herself. "Yuki will bring any assignments or notes from your classes today, and you won't be required to help tonight's patrol", he stated as he walked towards the door to leave. Reiko nodded as she wiped her eyes from the stray tears, seeing him leave out the room by gently shutting the door.
Her thoughts then lingered on that dream she had, she had the same recurring dream for over a year, and yet this one seemed more clearer. The symbol from the committee was there, then Kaname was there at the very end of it, she never met the Pure-Blood prior to the incident. She pulled out her pens from her bag and jotted down every detail of the first night on patrol and the strange dream.
As she remained focused on the journal, several rooms down was the Headmaster's' Office where he was speaking to Kaname about the situation of the night prior. Kaname sitting across Headmaster Cross, wearing his Night Class uniform which is the inverted version of the Day Class. "As afar as the young man attempting to break into the Moon Dorm and nearly killing a student, he has been sent away and will be charged for his actions...", the Headmaster stated as he placed a folder on his desk. "Reiko is currently resting for the day and will not be patrolling tonight, she is also not attending her classes for the day...", he said as Kaname nodded. "Headmaster Cross, if I recall correctly about Miss Ishizu, she was trained in her youth to fight against vampires?", Kaname asked. "Yes, her father was a close friend to me, he was very protective of his daughter ever since he lost his wife to vampires..", the Headmaster answered, as he removed his glasses. "What was known about the family? Reiko's weapon isn't like the Vampire Hunter weapons I have seen...", Kaname asked, the Headmaster sighed in slight sadness. "There really isn't much on her family, they are not of Vampire Hunter blood descent...", he finished. After some time passed, Kaname bowed to the Headmaster before taking his leave from his office. He walked down the hallway, passing several doors, before he stopped at the Medical Door. He catches a slight scent of her blood from her wound healing, he sighed as he walked away towards the exit. He can sense something different with in Reiko, he was drawn to her mystery and the possibilities of the future.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2023 ⏰

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