I Play Dodgeball With Cannibals (Clarisse)

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[My day... to work]

"That sounds amazing," most of the demigods said.

"I'd actually rather be in a normal classroom," Annabeth, Frank, and Jason said.

"It was pretty cool," I said.

[That's all... those activities]

Most of the adults facepalmed at that.

"I actually don't care for that book," Annabeth admitted.

"Who are you and what have you done with Annie?" Thalia asked.

"I just find it very boring, and for me that's saying something," she explained.

"Yeah, it's not that great of a book," I said, ignoring the glare Athena gave me for that.

[Sloan wasn't... friend Tyson]

"Oh, bad move," my friends said.

"Where can I find him?" my dad asked.

"Dad, you can't go after a mortal. He isn't even that important, just an insignificant bully," I told him.

[Tyson was... 72nd Street]

Those who were fond of Tyson looked upset at his living conditions.

"I'm sorry son," my dad told Tyson.

"It's alright, daddy. I was able to meet brother Percy," Tyson said, causing most of us to smile.

[Meriwether Prep... don't know]

"The mist," Luke said.

"I know that now. I hadn't realized he's a cyclops," I said, with another roll of my eyes.

"How could you not realize?" Ares scoffed.

"Were you not listening to the book? I couldn't make myself look higher than his mouth," I told him.

[Anyway, Matt... that freak."]

"He is not a freak!" most of the room exclaimed, causing Tyson to smile widely.

[I balled... them before]

"That's suspicious," Piper said.

"They could just be possible future students," Will said, but it was clear he didn't really believe it.

[Just wait... the freak."]

"Hmm... bullying who he thinks to be a helpless student... Yeah, he's pretty freaky," Thalia said.

[Tyson sniffled.... be fine?]

"Because you have a heart of gold," Annabeth said.

"Wouldn't that be heavy?" Tyson asked.

"I don't mean literally. Having a heart of gold means that he puts others before himself. An attribute he clearly gets from his mother," Annabeth explained. 

"Oh, thank you dear," my mom said.

"You know, I should be offended, but I can't when it's so obviously true," my dad said with a chuckle.

[Our next... trash can]

"That's my kind of class!" Leo exclaimed.

"Of course it is," Calypso said, with a fond tone in her voice.

[After Mrs. Tesla... in danger]

"Unfortunately," Grover grumbled.

[In social... annoying sometimes]

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