I Accept Gifts From A Stranger (Aphrodite)

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[The way... and aprons]

"That doesn't sound too bad," Leo said.

"Coming from mister immune to fire," Will said.

"Changing subjects," Thalia said, turning to me. "Did you seriously tell Tantalus to chase a donut?"

"Like you wouldn't have done the same," I said with a roll of my eyes.

"Oh, I absolutely would have, but that's beside the point," Thalia said.

[Tyson didn't... is it?"]

"That's what I'd like to know," my pop said.

"You'll find out in just a moment," I told him.

["I'll give...you serious?"]

"What's the Golden Fleece?" Paul asked.

"I tell the story to Percy in just a minute, but it's a magical fleece that can heal anything, like Thalia's tree," Annabeth said. 

"So that's how you're here and not a tree," Reyna stated, looking at Thalia, who nodded slightly. 

[Annabeth scrapped... so hopeless."]

"It is a movie though," Leo defended.

"Thank you, Leo," I said.

"It's a very inaccurate movie," Annabeth said, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"It's about as accurate as Disney's Hercules," Apollo added. *

["What?"... to her."]

"Classic Prissy," Clarisse said.

"He's got a point though," Leo said.

["The point... no luck."]

"And now we know why," Grover grumbled.

["But Grover... or not?"]

"Was there any doubt that I would, Seaweed Brain? You forget, he was my best friend long before you even met him," Annabeth said.

"Fair point, Wise Girl," I said with a small chuckle.

[She glanced... the Mediterranean?"]

"Nah, that's not for like another 3 years," I tried joking, but it fell flat. Only Leo laughed, so I got up and gave him a high five.

"Not funny, Percy," Jason said.

"I thought it was," I said.

"I did too," Leo added.

"Thank you, Leo. Glad to know someone appreciates my humor," I told him.

["No. Well... Los Angeles."]

"So... Why did you say Hades instead of the Underworld?" Nico asked.

"I don't know. This conversation was a long time ago, you expect me to remember?" I asked rhetorically.

"You don't remember our conversations?" Annabeth asked, feigning hurt.

"You know that wasn't what I meant," I said dryly.

["Right."... to look."]

"Do you know how little that narrows it down?" Athena asked me.

"Yes, yes I do," I said blankly.

["It's still... will you?"]

"He says no, doesn't he?" Piper asked.

"Not exactly," I said, glancing at Clarisse.

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