I Wrestle Santa's Evil Twin (Zeus)

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["Tell me... that high."]

"Liar," Thalia scoffed. "Thanks, Percy."

"Anytime," I told her with a smile.

["We are... kids, man."]

"I like these two!" Leo exclaimed, with Hermes, Apollo, and the Stolls nodding in agreement.

"Why am I not surprised?" Calypso asked, rhetorically.

["Oh, right."... just nodded]

"It's not really weird," Thalia said, "Rare, yes but not so weird."

"Well, I know that now," I said.

["Some mortals... been bad."]

"OK, calling me weird is one thing, I take pride in being weird after all. But annoying? Really?" Rachel deadpanned

"You were the one giving me the third degree! It's very overwhelming getting all these questions at once!" I defended. "It really would have been bad if I had accidentally killed you though."

"Yeah, no kidding Seaweed Brain," Annabeth told me.

"You certainly didn't think so at first," Rachel told her.

Annabeth flushed, "Yeah. Um... about that..."

Rachel stopped her. "Nah, I get it. I wasn't a fan of you at first either."

[Thalia nodded... the pigeons."]

"Surely the mist isn't that powerful," Travis said.

Thalia sighed. "First off, you'd be surprised what the mist can hide. Second, he was joking, or at least attempting to, Travis."

"That was a joke?" Leo asked, appalled, then sighed. "Ninety-nine comedians without a job, and he's one of them."

[We all... from Mars]

"He's going to turn into one of those crazy conspiracists, isn't he?" Piper asked.

"Definitely," I said.

[We said... sun god]

"Surely I'm not that forgettable, little cousin," Apollo said with a pout.

I bit my tongue in order to keep several comments to myself. "Of course not. There was just a lot that had happened since that particular conversation."

["The old... rainbow hat]

My friends laughed good-naturedly at my disguise.

"Oh such great friends I have," I said with a roll of my eyes.

"You did look pretty ridiculous," Thalia told me.

"I think I knew that, thanks," I told her.

["Oh, yeah,"... different."]

"Different how?" Leo asked.

"You don't want to know," I told him.

["Great."... from Mars]

"Looks like you were right, Pipes," Leo told Piper.

"Yippee. What's my prize?" she asked, deadpanned.

[He didn't... a landfill]

Katie crinkled her nose, "Ew."

"Try actually smelling him," I said. "He gives Smelly Gabe a run for his money."

"And that's saying something," Grover stated.

[And his... sound reasonable]

"As someone who's had a stint living on the streets, I can promise it would not raise any suspicions," Leo said and Thalia, Luke, and Annabeth all nodded in agreement.

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