I Have A Dam Problem (Hera)

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[At the... the giant."]

"Percy!" Mom exclaimed.

"I'm fine, mom," I said, half lying.

["Don't say... best friend?"]

"What am I, chopped liver?" Thalia asked.

Grover's eyes grew wide. "No! Of course not! That's not-"

Thalia cut him off. "I know that's not what you meant, Grover. I was just messing with you."

["Ah, Grover..."... the truck]

"We didn't actually talk much," Thalia said sadly. "I tried to get her to talk, I even tried asking her about the Hunt, but she only gave short responses."

[The tow... farther upstream."]

"Thanks, Percy," Thalia whispered.

"Of course," I whispered back.

"Grover, honey, I think it's better that you didn't go your way. You may have been able to get down no problem, but the others could have easily slipped and fallen," Mom said.

"I can see your point, I was just trying to be helpful" Grover said.

"You are helpful, G-man," I told him.

[Grover said... to her."]

"Why me?" I asked, suddenly curious.

"Because you're annoyingly good at getting people to open up," Thalia told me. "People trust you."

"I don't know why," I said.

"Because you're a good guy, Percy," Frank said.

"He should be, I raised him," Mom said with a teasing smile.

["She's not... the water]

"I like you too, when you aren't being annoying," Thalia said

"Well, I'm rubber, you're glue" I retorted.

"Kelp Head."

"Pinecone Face."


Hestia cleared her throat, cutting off Thalia. "Let's continue reading. Sister?"

Hera nodded and continued reading.

[As it... forgiven me."]

"For what exactly?" Leo asked.

I sighed. "You'll see."

["Forgiven you... next lieutenant."]

"Of course," Nico muttered with a hint of bitterness.

Artemis sighed. "I wouldn't have made Bianca lieutenant unless I felt she was right for the role and she fully agreed to it."

["But you're... have done."]

"Which is exactly why I did not let my Hunters come. It was too dangerous, too risky," Artemis said.

"We know, dear one. You care deeply about those who follow you," Hestia said.

[Zoe didn't... like him?"]

"Never," I growled.

"Believe me Percy, you could never be like him," Annabeth told me.

"She called you hero," Jason pointed out. "She's mellowing out."

"Percy has that effect somehow," Thalia said.

"I really don't understand why though, I'm no different than anyone else," I said.

"You care about people and you listen to what they say. You're patient and understanding, and that makes all the difference in the world," Annabeth said.

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