Chapter 2

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'Soo joung! Psstt. . .SOO JOUNG! Oi Soo Joung!' Yuri hissed at Soo joung who was playing with her hair in the next seat. 'What?!' Soo joung answered madly hitting her pencil against the desk. 'Hey, don't be mad I'm just bored, wanna chat?? We won't get caught this time I promise!' Yuri asked pleadingly. 'AHH finee!' Soo joung said with a smirk.

Yuri pulled out a piece of paper from her checkered pencil case. She scanned the room watching out for Mr Lee. If she got caught her and her best friend Soo joung would be sent to the headmaster's office for sure this time. Yuri started writing the note. Everytime she wanted to pass the note back she would roll the piece of paper up and stuff it into a pen. Then she would drop the pen on the ground and Soo joung would pick it up and read it.

The notes:
Yuri: Oi Soo joung
Soo jooung: Hi whats up?
Yuri: Mr Lee is so annoying!! Damn him!
Soo joung: Yeah. . .don't worry he is mean to me too
Yuri: I wonder why he is so cranky?
Soo joung: I wonder why he is such a crazy and rude teacher to us
Yuri: He is cute but. . .stupid
Soo joung: EWW not cute!
Yuri: I bet he doesn't have a girl friend thats why hes so cranky or maybe he doesn't have a girl friend because they all think he is a grumpy ass.
Soo joung: Yeah something like that!

Soo Joung couldn't contain herself and she started laughing crazily at the girl friend comment. 'No! Soo joung!! Don't laugh!' Yuri panicked.

Mr Lee made his way down to the back of the room with a cold, angry face. 'Interupting again?? Soo joung?! COME WITH ME! Yuri you too!!' He yelled so loud. Mr Lee grabbed the both girl's wrists tightly and pulled them out of the room. 'Aishhhh.' Yuri and Soo joung muttered. Bad luck.

The class watched anxiously.

Teacher student love affairWhere stories live. Discover now