Broken Promise

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Once you had awoken from your slumber you realized you were in the temporary infirmary, laying in the bed that Soap was earlier. Your head heart and you felt as though your throat was drier than the Sahara.

Your vision was blurred slightly, causing you to squint your eyes to try and clear it. You tried to sit up but someone's voice told you not to.

"Don't strain yourself," you recognized it to be Price's voice, a glance in his direction proving it.

"Am I in trouble?" You asked worry creasing your usual flat tone.

"Not at all, I put you in a risky environment with no preparations, this is entirely my fault."

"Fuck! Could this be counted as a war crime? Or get me in legal troubles?"

"No, I've spoken to Laswell, but right now I want you to tell me everything that happened in there."

You nodded slowly, recounting what had happened. "He brought me in there, and I saw my parents, they abused me heavily when I was younger, I have a lot of trauma from it that unraveled itself when I saw them again. He asked if I knew why I was there, and I told him I knew he wanted me dead and his bitch of an assassin- arrow- failed him. My dad got mad, threw me up against the wall and was about to shoot me. I managed to dodge it and hold my mother hostage, forced him to hand over his gun, all while Shepherd watched from his desk. I slit my mothers throat and went for my father, that's when Shepherd tried to intervene, I suppose he realized I wasn't playing around. I shot him in the shoulder, and then killed my father. That's when Shepherd starting wailing on me, and somehow I managed to get control and kill him too. I don't really know how to explain the next part..." you trailed off.

"Try your best."

"I kinda just lost myself Y'know? I found myself in the rabbit hole of my past, I couldn't stop myself from continuing my rampage, I feel disgusted with what I did but in the moment it felt so good to finally get my revenge. The same thing happened with Graves."

"Would you be open to professional help?" Price asks.

Your eyes widen, "no," you state quickly.

"I know you might refuse but it would be in your best interest-"

"If they found out what I've been through they'll... they'll never see me the same. I don't like people feeling sorry for me. I just prefer it when I'm not vulnerable and when I can just keep that shit to myself."

"I understand that- but you need this, I promise it will help. You know, König went through therapy for a while."

"Why would I care?" You question.

"He's your boyfriend, no?"


"Everybody knows," he states, "frankly I don't care, you two are civil and professional about it."

"Why did he go through therapy?"

"He was very mentally challenged at one point, used to beat himself up over little things, he had a lot of anxiety."

You of course already knew about this, about a portion of his childhood, he had shared more about his childhood than you ever did. He was taking medicine for his anxiety and you were sure he still had little anxiety attacks, but at least it was helping.

"I don't need help," you say.

You suddenly remembered the promise you made to König, you told him you wouldn't take revenge, you had practically lied to him, god, if he knew he would probably feel at least a little bit hurt.

Stone Cold Crazy <König x fem reader fanfic>Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang