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I'm lazy as fuck and don't feel like translating the conversation since it is a lot, whatever is in German will be bolded.

"Hey König," you said sitting next to him on the plane, Task Force had gotten a private jet to fly to Germany, the flight was going to be over eight and a half hours might as well make it a nice one.

"Hi mein engel, I missed you."

"You still saw me," you replied.

"I know, but I really wanted to be with you, I missed cuddling with you before bed."

"Aww, me too."

It was about an hour into the flight, you sighed realizing you'd have to sit here for that long.

You looked over to Marcy, who gave you a small wave as she was talking with Price. Ghost and Soap were sitting with each other, Soap leaning his head on Ghost's shoulder, obviously asleep, while Ghost lovingly put his arm around him.

You nudged König to bring attention to the couple. "Aww they're so sweet," he says.

Another half hour passed, the two of you had been sleeping on and off, until finally you just accepted the fact that you wouldn't be able to fall asleep.

"Who are we working with?" König asks.

"Uh... my old team from when I was stationed in Germany, you'll like them."

"What are they like?"

"They're all different, and they all serve different purposes. They all speak German too- I'm sure you'll get along with them well."

"Tell me about them."

You drew in a sharp breath, this was the team you had sacrificed so much for, they were all so amazing in their own ways.

"Let's see, there's Sloth, he's mute, which is why we call him that, he uses ASL, he's super nice and he has a lot of muscle, he's asexual, and he is a sniper. Then there's Ellie, she's really short but she's a spitfire, she specializes in close fighting tactics, so don't underestimate her. Then there is Reef, she's a really shy redhead, she specializes with guns- any kind. Then there's Elisabeth, she's really smart, she can use almost any weapon to her advantage, I've seen her use crossbows, bows, scissors, bats- everything. And then finally Peter, he's really funny- a lot like Soap, he's also the captain of the group."

"Why so many women?"

"What are you sexist or somethin?"

"No, just curious."

"There's just a lot I suppose, German women are a lot stronger than you might think."

Plague shifted between your legs, causing you to look down at her, she looked so happy, much different than how she was when you first met. When you first got her she was a lot more shy and serious, but now she was letting loose, her personality was shinning through.

"Do you know how we are going to be situated at this base?" König asks.

"Yeah, of course, since the base is a lot smaller you and I will share a room, Marcy and Price, and Soap and Ghost."


"Are you alright? You seem kind of off," you say.

"I just- I don't know," he says with a sigh.

"Yes you do know, talk to me."

"Do you think I was distracting you?"



You fell asleep for the rest of the plane ride.

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