Part 62

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November 21

I don't write as much as I used to, and even more so now. I'm so depressed! I found out Daniel is going out of town for the holidays, and I won't see him until next year! He will even miss my birthday! I don't know how I will make it that long with out him. He's been my rock through all the crap from the druggies at school, my group sessions when I felt like giving up, and just with life in general. Why does life do this to me? Steal my happiness? He promises to write everyday and call but it's not the same. Plus, the harassment at school is starting to spill into my personal life. I found out that a few of the pushers at school got busted, someone ratted them out, and now they think that someone is me, even though I didn't say anything. I'm trying my hardest to not have anything to do with that world anymore, but they just won't let me alone.

It's to the point now they drive by the house at night and yell obscenities, even when Terry and Michael were there. We had all come back from dinner, and they just drove by flashing their lights and yelling at us. Terry asked me what was going on, and up until then only Daniel knew about what was happening to me. I didn't want to pull them in the middle of this. I'd already burdened them so much already.

When the phone calls started, I quit answering the phone when I was home alone. However, one night they kept calling repeatedly, and it just so happened it was during our dinner time. Terry was going to answer it and I jumped up and yelled no! But it was too late. After a minute she hung up and demanded to know what was going on. I told her just some kids at school were giving me a hard time and pressuring me about drugs, which was mostly the truth. I didn't tell her about the incident with being grabbed and threatened. She said she would phone their parents and the school, and I begged her not to that because it would only make things worse. Then they really would think I was a squealer.

Daniel suggested the same, but I also told him that would make it worse, and he understood that. he told me though I had to do something instead of just letting it go on. He's right, diary, but I am a coward.

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