Part 63

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December 1

Thanksgiving was ok. Daniel called, and we talked for two hours. He told about his family and that he wished I was there. Boy do I wish the same. Thankfully there were no calls or anybody driving by and yelling out their windows. It was short lived though because they started in again when it was time to go back to school. One day I came home to find a note stuck in our door. It went into detail how much of a "snitch I was" and "that they were going to get me." I threw the note in the garbage and no sooner had I walked in the house the phone began to ring. I didn't bother to answer it. But at some point I had to, what if it was Terry or Michael calling? Or Daniel? Of course it was another obscene call, this time with a guy saying; "We're gonna get you snitch! You just wait!" I slammed the phone down and fought the urge to cry. For the first time in awhile, I really wanted a joint. But I told myself no, and instead put some music on to drown out the relentless ringing of the phone and started on my homework. Later I would call Daniel.

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