Part 18

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February 9

Going over to Lou's later after I run some errands for Terry. Ginger wanted me to come over and spend the night but I said no and made something
up. It's Saturday! When everything is up and rolling! I can't wait for tonight! Lou is going to come over later and help me pick out an outfit and do my
make up and hair, then we're meeting Damien at another bar, Good Times, then going to his place for the party. Gotta run. Later my dear friend!

February 10

That's it! My heart is completely broken! Last night was a disaster, if you can even call it that! We go to the bar and have drinks and snort a little coke, then we
go back to Damien's for the party and half way through I walk into one of the bedrooms and that bastard Damien is fucking my girlfriend! What's worse
is she was enjoying it! She didn't even seem phased that I was standing there and had caught her! I had just shot some speed a few minutes ago on top of
all the coke I did at the bar earlier so I was really charged and with out thinking about it I threw my drink at them and stormed out of the room and out of
the house. What happened next was a blur, but I rememember someone grabbing my arm and calling my name about a block down from the house. It was Lou,
she was pleading and crying, and next thing I know I raised my arm and smacked her so hard I think Aunt Starr would have been proud. I've never hit some
before and looking back I didn't care at that point. It even felt good! The next thing I remember is her on the ground crying and me stumbling away.
I don't remember how I got home or who drove me, just waking up in the bushes by Terry's apartment building.
The phone has been ringing all day today and I know it's Lou but I can't bear to talk to her now. I can't get the image out of my head of them. Maybe later or something. All I know is that I feel like
shit, my head hurts, and my stomach feels as if it's turned inside out. I should have just stuck to grass man, left all that other shit alone.
Except it all feels so good but the comedown out wieghs the climax. And I should have stayed away from Lou. She obviously was just using me and I was dumb enough
to go along for the ride. I even let the bitch take my virginity! I think from now on I'm staying away from the drugs and parties and especially Lou. Man, what a bummer! Life sucks!

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