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Yo guys I'm sorry about not being active in a long time. I'm really stressed out because of school. Hence why I'm legit writing this at 2:30 in the morning. But I promised I'd try to make time to get more content out for you guys. I'll keep delivering when I can. MOVING ON!

Briar's P. O. V.

Did I really say that? When did I grow a big enough pair to do that? Hopefully he doesn't take it the wrong way.

Luckily he doesn't seem to be phased, which shocked me.

"Can I see it," he asks tentatively.

"Uhm sure. But again, it's not done."

I lead him into my room, which has walls covered in music themed posters and pictures of me and my friends and family when I was younger. In the far corner stood an easel with the canvas containing the 3/4 finished paining of Chris. It's of him in the music video for "My Pace" since I love that song. Every member's painting is from a screenshot of them in that video.

 Every member's painting is from a screenshot of them in that video

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(To give you an idea of what each looks like)


"You don't like it. I knew I shouldn't have shown you. It's not that good."

"No! It's nothing like that. It looks amazing Bri. It's so realistic I'd think you printed the picture onto the canvas. Hyunjin would be jealous."


I stared at the floor almost in embarrassment. All of a sudden I see two feet matched with mine. Chan then gently grabbed my chin and slowly tilted my head up to look at him while his other hand brushed some hair out of my face.

"Hey. Do you like movies?"

"Yeah. Sam and I have a bunch of movies."

"Wanna pick on out and watch it with Peaches?"

"YES! I mean...yeah that sounds nice."

Chan starts laughing his sweet, addictive laugh and we both leave my room and go into the living room. He lets me pick the movie and I choose "We Are Marshall." (Google it and watch. It's amazing.) Chan said he'd never seen it and it is one of my favorites.

*time skip to after the movie time cuz I'm not spoiling any of it for y'all*

I sit up from my spot and yawn. It's around 9 pm now so I'm getting quite sleepy.

"Do you want to go to sleep?"

"Yeah. Uhm we have a spare bedroom no one uses that you can use for the night."

"Thanks. Where is it?"

"Down the hallway, make a left, second door on your right."

"Thanks. Have a good night Bri."

"You too Chris."

*more time skipage cuz you'll see*

Chan's P. O. V.

It's about 2 am now and I'm just laying in the bed in the spare room. Even for a spare room it's very nicely decorated. There's little fairy lights around the molding on the ceiling that give the room a cute ambience and vibe. I'm relaxing and trying to sleep when I hear a small knock on the door.

"Come on in," I whisper loud enough to hear but still soft so it's not abrasive.

The door opens and Briar comes in exhausted looking and slightly shaken up.

"Chr-Chris," they ask very timidly.

I immediately get up and walk over to them in the doorway.

"What happened? Are you okay?"

They just shook their head now and ran into my arms and nuzzled their head into my chest while crying.

"Nightmare," I ask receiving a rapid nod in return.

"Do you want to stay in here for the night? Would that make you feel safer?"

"Please," they ask, their voice barely above a whisper.

"Of course."

I lead them over to the bed and gently and politely help them into the bed and get them under the blankets. I proceed to hop back into the bed myself and get under the covers. Briar immediately curls into my side and cuddles in. So long as it helps them feel better, I don't care. I pat their head to reassure them that they're okay as I drift into a restful sleep for the night.


Well look at that. Thought I wouldn't be able to get much done but here we have a whole chapter up in here. Hopefully it's still good and you guys are still vibing with it. Thanks for stopping by.

For now,

Kota out

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