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Bold:Austin | Italic: Eteled

No ones pov: After the Wii melted Eteled was left alone with Austin he was also having feelings around him while Austin also

Eteled's pov: I sat down in the Mii center after it was melted but then I heard metal steps walking towards me. I pulled out my fire axe and turned around and saw Austin across the room in the dark light he quickly slashed down his claw but I jumped back far away.

Austin's pov: I quickly slashed down to Eteled but he dodged it we continued to fight for hours and hours until...

Eteled's pov: During the fight with Austin I FUCKING passed out. Welp your Fucked Eteled.

Austin pov: "Hey, you're backing down already?" It took me a few seconds to realize that he had passed out so I picked him up and brought him to my that was in some kind of coding room and laid him on the bed but then he was mumbles it seemed as if he was having a nightmare then all the sudden he grabbed me into the bed "noooo don't go...." I felt FUCKING horny. This shouldn't be a feeling to me.... I grabbed him by the thighs and lifted him up to my chest as I sooth him while he was sleeping and which doing so I fell asleep but before that I asked myself "Am I gay? "


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