Pt.2 of "Nightmare" chapter (angst)

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Eteled's POV: I am still worried about Austin from yesterday..... I was coding in a present for Austin to make him feel better then there was a blackout "Austin!!!" "W-where are you!"
"I don't like the way my skin feels on my body."
" Do you like the way your skin feels on your body... ETELED?
"What do you m-mean.... A-Austin this is a very unfunny prank, you can stop now- AHHHH!"
Someone... Or something grabbed me and held me down
"You don't? Why don't we BURN it off!"
A somewhat iron like item started to heat up and while that happened my sleeves were rolled up when I was coding and still are. The item got closer to my arm and burned my skin.. Multiple times. My mouth was held down so nobody was able to hear the screams. It was was so to be stopped after a while and I had marks all over my body I was soon left alone then the lights came back on and I heard metal shoes running towards me. My vision was getting blurring and I was about to blackout. But before I did I heard Austins voice

Austins POV: I ran down the hallways for hours while the blackout happened then the lights cane back on and saw Eteled on the floor with marks on him. "ETELED?!" I was panicking and tears start to form at my eyes I picked him up and ran to our bedroom and healed him up quickly. I waited all fucking day for him to wake up until I just laid down with him a fell alseep. I will PROTECT him at all cost. I won't let anything harm him. Ever again. I won't stop until he feels protected and nobody will stop me from protecting my Love and I mean nobody will be able to stop me. If anybody does try to they're dead and I mean dead. If anybody hurts him I will absolutely kill them.
Sometimes I may have to get SERIOUS.

(Woohoo 374 words)

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