Healing(Angst +Fluff)

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(Sorry for how little I paid attention to this story but I'm back now)
Eteled's pov: I woke up after the experience of what happened last night to see upon Austin. "good Morning!" I said but wasn't given an answer by him but in a hazy voice e he said "We have to talk." I didn't mind having to talk with Austin.(Fuck it I'm not writing in that text for them anymore.)
"Is it about you? "
"Is it about... Me..?
"M-maybe" Austin said stuttering a bit which made me worry and have flashbacks of what happened between us before we got together making me Hyperventilate
"It's not anything bad! Don't worry please!"
I soon looked up to him and before I noticed he kissed me and so which I kissed him back and soon asking him what he wanted to talk about me for. (Timeskip because I'm lazy and forgot how to be a writer somehow) Austin's pov: I watched how Entered answered my questions truthfully. I picked Eteled up placing him upon the kitchen counter facing away from me because I had a gift for him. It was some new clothes that looked really cute to me and told him to turn around slowly hiding my face and when I looked up he was crying tears but full of joy he grabbed the clothes and quickly changed into them showing them off to me. He looked so fucking cute he climbed upon the counter and jumped upon my and what it felt like he gave me a million kisses full of thank you to me I felt loved by someone no other then my murderer and... I enjoyed it I have someone who loved me as much as I loved them. When he gave me the most passionate smile unlike his creepy one I felt as if I was gonna explode I grabbed him and plopped upon the bed, put on a movies and cuddled with him.


Yay 339 words

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