Chapter One

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Right now Violet is in school but she's almost out. Cheryl is waiting outside in her car since in a few minutes school ends. Then her phone starts to ring. She looks and sees it the school.

"Hello"she said answering it

"Hi Ms.Blossom, you daughter Violet has been in a fight. We would like you to come in."The secretary said

"Ok. I'll be right in"Cheryl said

Cheryl hangs up and sighs. She gets out her car and goes inside. She goes to the office and she sees Violet setting in a chair with a busted lip and another girl setting next to her.

"Ms.Blossom please follow me"The principal said

Cheryl follows the principal to her office.

"So how did this fight start?"Cheryl ask setting down

"Violet won't say. All she said is to call you. Has there been any problems at home?"She ask

"Not at all"Cheryl said

"Has Violet acted differently lately?"She ask

"No. She's been herself"Cheryl said

"Well she will be suspended for a week"She said

"Okay. Thank you"Cheryl said

Cheryl leaves the office and sees Violet still setting there.

"Let's go Violet"Cheryl said

Violet follows her mom out of the office and Cheryl pulls out her phone. She texts her work that she won't be in for a week for personal reasons. As she's texting she bumps into someone. Her phone falls out of her hands and she looks up.

"I'm sorry. I didn't see you there"The mysterious women said

Cheryl looks at her and she notices how hot the women is. Cheryl holds in a breath and the women bends down to grab Cheryl's phone.

"Again I'm sorry"She said

Cheryl takes her phone and the women smiles.

"It's okay. I wasn't paying attention"Cheryl said

The women nods with a smile and Cheryl smiles.

"Well I better get going"She said

"Yeah of course"Cheryl said

The women walks away and Violet giggles.

"What's so funny?"Cheryl ask

"Oh nothing mom"Violet said

Cheryl smiles and wraps her arm around her shoulder. They walk out of the school and go to the car. Cheryl starts it and starts to drive away.

"So? Tell me what happened"Cheryl said

"The girl was just being a bitch"Violet said

"Language young lady"Cheryl said

"Sorry"Violet said

"Why would you get in a fight when it's literally the end of the day?"Cheryl ask

"I don't know. She was just getting on my nerves"Violet said

"Please don't be mad ma"She added

"I'm not mad"Cheryl said

Violet nods and they make it home. They go inside and Cheryl sighs as she grabs a water. Violet comes back down wearing more comfortable clothes.

"How about a movie?"Violet ask

Cheryl smiles and nods. They go in the living room and start to watch a movie. But all Cheryl can think about is the women she bumped into. How beautiful she was. She smiles to herself and continues to watch the movie.

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