Chapter Three

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Next morning

Cheryl wakes up in Toni's arms and she smiles at the memory of them kissing last night. She gets out of Toni's arms and leans up. She slowly kisses Toni and she feels Toni kiss back a little. She pulls away and sees Toni still sleeping.

"Mhmm more"Toni whispers in her sleep

Cheryl smiles and kisses her again. A shorter one though.

"I'll let you sleep for a bit"Cheryl said

Toni hums and Cheryl gets out of bed. She goes downstairs and she sees Violet setting at the island eating some fruit.

"Good morning sweetie"Cheryl said

"Morning mom"Violet said

Cheryl sets down beside her and steals a piece of fruit.

"So I gotta talk to you about something"Cheryl said

"What is it?"Violet ask

"So if something between Toni and I. Would you be okay with it?"Cheryl ask

"Are you talking about your guys little kiss last night?"Violet ask

"You saw that?"Cheryl ask

"A small part of it"Violet said

"Are you okay with us? If we become more?"Cheryl ask

"Only if your happy mom. I like Toni. She's good with you. I'm okay with it"Violet said

Cheryl smiles and kisses her cheek. A little bit later Toni comes down with her hair in a messy bun.

"Good morning ladies"Toni said making some coffee

"Morning Toni"Violet said

Toni pours her some coffee and sits down in front of Violet and Cheryl. She takes a sip and looks at Cheryl.

"She knows"Cheryl said

"Knows what?"Toni ask confused

"Your guys little kiss last night"Violet said

"Oh. Um are you okay with it?"Toni ask

"Yeah. As long as you make my mom happy"Violet said

"You don't need to worry about that. My plan is to make you both happy"Toni said

Cheryl smiles and so does Violet. For half the day the ladies just hang out and watch movies.


Cheryl sighs and looks at the time.

"Alright. Violet you ready go?"Cheryl ask

"Already?"Violet ask

"Yes. It's not like your never going to see Toni again"Cheryl said

Toni chuckles and the girls grab their stuff. Toni walks them out and Violet says bye to Toni. She goes to the car and Toni turns to Cheryl.

"I had fun with you guys"Toni said

Cheryl smiles and wraps her arms around Toni's neck. Toni puts her hands on Cheryl's lower back and pulls her closer. Cheryl leans up and kisses Toni softly. Toni kisses her back and leans her head down more. Her hands run down to Cheryl's ass and she squeezes it. Cheryl moans in her mouth and holds Toni tighter. They slowly pull away and Toni smiles.

"I'll see you soon"Toni whispers

Cheryl hums and pecks her lips. Cheryl let's go of Toni and grabs her bag. She walks off and Toni smiles. She goes inside and sighs. Cheryl gets in the car and starts it.

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