Chapter Eight-The Gobblewonker Conspiracy

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The interdimensional demon had only been with the Gleefuls for a little over two days, and Mabel was already at the end of her rope.

She considered herself to be a patient person, as you'd have to be if you had Dipper for a brother. The day he tore his eyes away from the mirror and did what he was supposed to was the day she had gone certifiably insane.

But this demon had just about pushed her to her limits.

"I must say, you are by far the oddest masters I've ever served," Will babbled as he hovered above the dinner table, where Mabel and Dipper ate breakfast in silence. "Which is certainly saying something, because I've had my fair share of unusual masters. Usually they just want me to find their dead loved ones from another dimension, or redo a mistake from their past, but your plan...well, it's definitely interesting. Although, it's probably not very possible, now is it? I mean, I'm sure you're quite powerful, but I really-"

Dipper picked up his fork and stabbed it viciously into Great Uncle Ford's precious mahogany table, finally silencing the demon. "If you don't shut up, I'm going to rip your one eyeball out of its socket and eat it like it's caviar," he hissed, his blue eyes burning with rage.

For once, Mabel agreed. She had to say, Dipper could be threatening when he felt like it (which, apparently, was almost never).

Since the moment they'd summoned Will Cipher, the twins had been a ticking time bomb of anxiety. They'd summoned him, sure, but the most important aspect of the mission was, evidently, impossible at the moment. To top it all off, Great Uncle Ford was going to be calling any minute.

Mabel groaned, running a hand through her hair, which never seemed to stay down even after dozens of empty hairspray bottles. "We are just asking you to do one simple thing, and you can't even do that! All you seem to know how to do is annoy us out of our minds!" she snapped.

Will's expression turned sheepish. "Well, I wouldn't exactly call it simple. There are limitations, you know."

Dipper raised an eyebrow. "Like what?"

The demon beamed. "I'm glad you asked! For starters, I can't just go to a new dimension all on my own. I'm not that powerful. If you want me to bring you to another dimension with all of your molecules attached, I'm going to need a bit of help. You have the blueprints, don't you?"

The twins exchanged glances. "Blueprints? What blueprints?" Mabel demanded.

"Oh, then that's your problem right there!" Will exclaimed. "For this to work, you need to create a rift. I have the ability to move between rifts in time and space, but I can't pass through what isn't there. If this is the dimension that I think it is, then the blueprints for this interdimensional device should be in those journals of yours, I believe there's three of them..."

A beat of silence.

Mabel slammed her head down on the table and stayed there.

"Are you okay? Did I say something wrong? Oh gosh, did I kill them already?"

Dipper sighed and pulled out his cellphone. "Well. This is a pickle, isn't it?" He started dialing a number on it.

She looked up slightly from her position, but didn't lift her head. "Who are you calling?"

Her brother smirked in that way he always did when he annoyed her. "We need someone to build the device, don't we? I think I know a guy."


"Do you think it could have been a leprecorn?"

Gideon looked up from the journal and stared at his cousin. "Do you usually summon those through a demonic ritual?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2023 ⏰

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