Chapter 7

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It was Halloween, and even though Halloween isn't as big of a deal in Finland as it had been in the rest of the world, it was gaining popularity. Kaiya & Ville had spent the previous weekend talking about having their own little spooky celebration. Ville said he was going to surprise her with something, and Kaiya intended to surprise him too.

Kaiya asked Kari if there were any sexy costumes he was willing to part with for a discount and he loaded her up with several bags filled with costumes, props, and other little sex trinkets.
When presented with the bags, Kaiya looked at Kari wide-eyed, "Okay... you do know that I'm dating your son, right?"

Kari laughed, "I'm aware! But hey, we Valos are extremely open and liberal, you know this. Don't act surprised."

"You?! No!" Kaiya responded with exaggerated sarcasm. "But thank you, Pops. I really appreciate this." she thanked him before clocking out and practically running out the door.

On the other side of town, Ville was giddily making preparations for him & Kaiya's little Halloween party. He grabbed her favorite meal (Swedish meatballs from IKEA), popcorn, and a comically large bag of candy that he dumped into a giant plastic orange bowl. He had ordered some Halloween string lights from Amazon and decorated the living room, he also bought some bleeding candle sticks (the ones that drip red wax as they burn), he really wanted to pull out all the stops. And finally, he bought the entire Friday the 13th box set, her favorite movie franchise.

Just as he was finishing up, he heard a knock at the door and sure enough, Kaiya was standing on the other side. "Happy Halloween!" she greeted him cheerfully.

"Awwww... look at you! Are you supposed to be a Munchkin from the Wizard of Oz?" Ville teased, putting his hands on his knees as though talking to a child.

Kaiya's jaw dropped playfully and she scoffed, "Is that a short joke?!" she squeaked as she swung one of her full bags at him. "Not all of us can be giants, Ville!"

Ville laughed, "I'm hardly a giant. I'm 6 foot 1. A normal height for a man, unlike you, Miss Five-Foot-Fuck-All."

Kaiya playfully pouted, "You're mean. I guess I won't show you what's in my magical bag of wonderment."

Ville raised an eyebrow, "Magical bag of wonderment, you say?"

Kaiya smirked at him and pushed past him into the house. She was going to say some nasty retort but stopped herself when she saw the decorated living room. Ville came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her. "Happy Halloween, baby." he said before kissing the top of her head sweetly.

Kaiya began to tear up, this was the sweetest thing anyone had ever done for her. "And here I thought I was going to be the one with the best surprises tonight." she smiled. Dropping her bags she pulled out a handful of strips of paper from her pocket. Each strip of paper had a sexy costume written on it;
School Girl

She concealed what was written on the one side by presenting them face down to Ville. "Pick a card, any card." she smirked. "And don't look at it! Just pick it."

Vilel smiled and chose the paper strip that called to him the most and handed it to Kaiya.


Kaiya smiled excitedly, "Perfect. Now, sit on the couch, and when I knock on the bathroom door, you need to come open it. Okay?"

Ville smiled, curious as to where she was going with this, but excited nonetheless. "Alright, color me intrigued." and he went and did what he was told.

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