Chapter 9

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"You're so boring." Kaiya teased

"I am not boring!" Ville protested playfully, "I just wouldn't ever jump off a bridge."

"It's not 'jumping off a bridge'," Kaiya rolled her eyes and did air quotes, "It's jumping off of a bridge with bungee cords." She said, smirking.

Ville and Jesse had taken Kaiya and Hanna out to dinner, an attempt by Jesse to get the ladies to finally get along. Jesse had been bothered that even now, months after he'd gotten back together with Hanna, that Hanna still didn't like Kaiya.

"Oh, yeah, big difference." Ville rolled his eyes back.

"Total difference!" Kaiya argued. "One ends with death, the other ends with a life changing adrenaline rush." She paused and gulped down the rest of her beer before clearing her throat. "I'm gonna go get another." She announced before getting up from the table and heading toward the bar. She was intentionally drinking more due to the uncomfortable situation with Hanna being here. Hanna was seated beside Jesse, passive aggressively scrolling on her phone and not interacting with anyone. It was so awkward it was palpable.

Kaiya leaned against the bar top and gave the bartender her order, "A Heineken, please." She spoke over the low roar of the busy customers around her. As she stood on her toes waiting for her drink, she felt a hand on the small of her back. Kaiya turned her head to see Ville standing beside her. "Did you want me to get you another O'Douls?"

"Nah, I've still got half of mine." Ville held up his half-empty bottle.

"You're not upset about earlier are you? I didn't mean to offend you." She asked him quietly.

Ville smiled and placed a gentle kiss on the top of her head. "Not at all. But I'll have you know I'm not at all boring. I've got an adventurous side of me." He grinned.

"Oh?" Kaiya raised a skeptical eyebrow. "Is that so?"

Ville scoffed lightheartedly, "Darling, you don't tour the world with a rock band for half of your life without an adventurous side."

"Prove it." Kaiya blurted out, a smirk playing at her lips.

Taken aback, Ville's eyebrows raised. He hadn't expected her to challenge him, foolishly he expected her to take his word on it and move on. "How do you want me to do that, love?" He bit the inside of his lip inconspicuously as he braced himself for her response.

The bartender handed Kaiya her drink and she took it into her hand without ever breaking eye contact with Ville. "How much of an exhibitionist are you?" a threatening smirk pulled at Kaiya's lips. The beer in her system acting as liquid courage, she wanted to see how far she could get Ville to go. And right now, if she was honest, Ville was looking hot and it was turning her on. His tight charcoal colored jeans fit him perfectly, she swore she could make out his well-endowed package through them. The black leather jacket he wore over a band tee gave him that dark, bad boy look and the black beanie atop his head, the small bit of dark curl sticking out from the bottom, plus the stubbly goatee he had forming on his chin... she couldn't help but want him.

Ville's heart skipped a beat but he kept his composure, he truly wanted to impress Kaiya, to show off and prove he was just as adventurous and interesting as she. He swallowed heavily and cleared his throat before replying, "What- er, what do you mean exactly?"

Kaiya took a deep swig of her Heineken before grabbing Ville's hand and leading him to the back of the establishment where the restrooms were. Once they were in the dark corridor away from the bar patrons, Kaiya grabbed Ville by the jacket and pushed him up against the wall and collided her lips upon his, standing high on her tiptoes. Though shocked and surprised, Ville enthusiastically kissed her back. His body tensed as hers pressed against him, his hands traveled to her ass where he squeezed and groped shamelessly. Ville could taste the beer on her lips infused with her own unique taste and it ignited arousal within him. God, he wanted her. As if he wasn't in love with her already, he felt completely dumbstruck by his infatuation with her. Suddenly, Kaiya pulled away, alarming Ville momentarily thinking he'd done something to turn her off, but she just smirked at him. "Show me your 'adventurous side,' Ville." She whispered in his ear, close enough so he could hear her clearly over the bar's loud music. Ville
looked at her and swallowed heavily, Kaiya looked back, a naughty grin on her face, "Fuck me in the bathroom."

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