Ancient History

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"It's a story as old as time. In the beginning their was silence. Until one day someone made a sound. Our ancestors were so inspired by this they took six strings and those six strings have the power to control all music. They could play anything. Techno, funk, classical, country, hard rock and pop. And every kind of music in between. There was something for everyone. It was one big party. But little by little trolls became intolerant of each other's music. They fought over what kind of music the strings would play. The elders realized there was but one solution. Each tribe would take a string and go their separate ways. Those six tribes have lived in isolation ever since. Techno, Country, Hard Rock, Classical, Funk, and us. The Pop Trolls." Peppy says as he shows Poppy a scroll and map of the trolls history.

"Now Barb's announcement makes sense. She wants to reunite the strings so the Troll World can be one big party again." Poppy says happily as she smiles.

"Wait. That's all you heard? One big party?" Branch asks as Poppy looks at him.

"Yeah! It's when all the Trolls lived in harmony. And what's more important than living in harmony?" Poppy asks.

"Well I heard fighting. The strings together leads to fighting." Branch says.

"Exactly Branch. That's why we need to keep our string safe. Behold the Pop music string." Peppy says as he reveals the pop string behind a streamer waterfall and plays it as it gives off a heart shaped cloud of pink dust and glitter.

"It's beautiful." Poppy says as some of the pink glitter and dust land on her and the others.

"And powerful. Which is why we can't let it fall into the wrong hands." Peppy says.

"And we won't. Not on my watch. What we need is a plan." Branch says as he gives a thinking look.

"Don't worry. I've been preparing for this day for years. We run!" Peppy says as he runs over to Poppy.

"Run?" Poppy asks shocked.

"And hide." Peppy says as Branch is now covered in burrs, sticks, and leafs.

"On it." Branch says as he follows Peppy.

"But we don't even know what we're running and hiding from." Poppy says as Branch and Peppy stop as everyone looks at Poppy.

"We're hiding from Barb and all the other different Trolls." Peppy says as Alexis looks at him.

"He's is right Poppy to a certain sense. I want harmony and peace as much as you do. I have nothing against any of these other Trolls but for all we know Barb and her followers could want war. I'm not saying we should hide and keep away from them because they're different. But until we know for a fact they want peace and not war we need to at least plan for the worst." Alexis says as Poppy looks at her.

"Or she could want peace and you guys are over reacting." Poppy says.

"You don't know that for sure Poppy." Alexis says.

"Neither do any of you. You're assuming the worst about someone you haven't even met." Poppy says.

"You're not listening to me." Peppy says.

"You're not listening to me." Poppy says angrily.

"I'm your father!" Peppy says.

"And I'm the Queen." Poppy says as she gestures to herself.

"Father trumps Queen. Now there's no time to debate this. Let's go." Peppy says as he walks off with Branch.


"So Alexis do you really think Poppy is wrong about the other Trolls?" Cooper asks as he is later walking with Alexis.

"To a certain extent. Why?" Alexis asks.

"It's just I'm different. I don't want you to think I would turn on you or something for it." Cooper says sadly as Alexis looks at him with concern.

"Cooper look at me. You're my best friend and I know you're different. I don't care. Look I only said what I did because Poppy isn't thinking about all the risks of the situation. She's risking a lot by wanting to trust Barb and we don't even know her. I just don't want you or anyone else hurt. I care about you all too much. But if she is wanting peace then I say go for it. But until we know for certain what she is after we need to at least be careful. And Poppy isn't even thinking of that." Alexis says.

"Maybe but she means well." Cooper says as Alexis looks at him.

"I know she does. But still I wish she would think about things a little more before she acts. Come on. Let's go get something to eat." Alexis says as Cooper looks at her.

"My pick?" Cooper asks happily.

"As usual." Alexis says as she laughs slightly seeing Cooper is cheered up some.

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