The Gift Swap

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"Hello everyone. Who's ready for the holiday gift swap?" Poppy asks as everyone is gathered for the gift swap.

"Hey Darnell." Alexis says as she goes over to Darnell.

"Hey Alexis. I was actually looking for you." Darnell says as he smiles.

"You were?" Alexis asks.

"Yeah. I got you something but I got a surprise for you later. Okay?" Darnell asks.

"Okay. Here I made you this. It's your favorite songs. I actually had someone from my tribe teach me how to hip hop and made them into hip hop versions for you." Alexis says as she hands Darnell a CD.

"Really?" Darnell asks happily as he looks at the CD.

"Yeah." Alexis says as she smiles.

"I love it. Thanks! Here's your present. It's a picture of us in our favorite hang out spot together. Took me forever to make the frame. It's not the best looking but I wanted it to he homemade and special." Darnell says as he hands Alexis a picture with a frane.

"Its perfect. Happy holidays Darnell." Alexis says

"You as well Alexis." Darnell says before everyone gathers to see what Poppy and Branch got for each other as they nervously reveal they got each other.

"Um... Do you wanna go first?" Poppy asks nervously.

"Well I made you this really cool thing." Branch says.

"I'm sure it's great." Poppy says.

"But it exploded and blew me into a tree." Branch says.

"That's not... Not so great." Poppy says.

"Yeah I may have overdone it a bit. Anyway this is all I could scrape together. Here... I know it's kinda lame." Branch says as he gives Poppy a present before she sees it's a scrapbook.

"Branch you scrapbooked? For me?" Poppy asks in surprise.

"Yeah. And I think I permanently glued two of my fingers together doing it." Branch says.

"I love it. It's a gift only you could give me. Okay. Now it's my turn." Poppy says before Branch opens the giant box Poppy gave him to reveal nothing much to everyone's surprise.

"Well that sucks." Cooper says in surprise.

"Hey cool. An invisible mountain bike?" Branch asks nervously.

"No way. I got the same thing." Legsley says as she rides around on her invisible bike.

"I... I didn't get you anything. Because when I tried to think about what to get the coolest troll in the whole world I totally drew a blank. I mean what do you even get someone who is so sweet, and so funny, and kind, and cute, and like weirdly overprepared for everything?" Poppy asks sadly.

"You know the thing I like most about the holidays is just being together with you." Branch says as he smiles at Poppy.

"Somebody uke me." Poppy says before someone gives her a ukulele as she starts singing with Branch before others join in happily.


"Come on. Just a little further." Darnell says as he is leading Alexis through the Funk Family Palace.

"I'm coming." Alexis says as she laughs slightly before Darnell stops her at a door.

"Okay now close your eyes." Darnell says as Alexis closes her eyes before she feels Darnell lead her into a room.

"Can I open my eyes now?" Alexis asks curiously.

"Now you can." Darnell says as Alexis opens her eyes and sees she is in a bedroom.

"Darnell. What is this?" Alexis asks as she looks around.

"It's your room. I remembered you saying you wanted to live in Vibe City with me and Cooper. Well guess who I asked this morning if you could love with us and they said yes. My parents and yours are okay with this." Darnell says happily.

"Wow Darnell thank- Darnell?" Alexis asks in shock as she turns to see Darnell one knee with a ring.

"I actually had another surprise. I was curious if you would become my Queen. A great King needs a great Queen. I was hoping that could be you. I really like you. I have for a while. To be honest the only thing I was really hoping for would be to spend more time with you because I love you." Darnell says as he smiles.

"I love you too Darnell. Yes I will be your Queen." Alexis says happily as Darnell puts the ring on her finger and stands up.

"Cool. So mind if I do this then?" Darnell asks before he kisses Alexis as he then french kisses her before pulling away smiling proudly.

"That was a really pleasant surprise." Alexis says as she blushes shyly.

"Get used to it Princess. There will be a lot more in the future." Darnell says while smirking.

"Well I'm not gonna complain." Alexis says as she smiles while still blushing.

"Come on. Let's go tell our families the good news." Darnell says happily as he and Alexis leave the room.

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