Surprise Gift Givers

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"All right guys not gonna lie. I've been kinda freaking out over what to get the ultimate gift-giver. But I think I figured it out." Branch says as Alexis, Cooper and Darnell are with him in his bunker after receiving gift swap invites from Poppy.

"Whoa nice vision board Branch." Darnell says as the group sees Branch's vision board.

"And not at all insane-looking." Cooper says nervously.

"Yeah. Definitely can tell you have put a lot of thought into this." Alexis says.

"Thank you. Okay. As everybody knows giving the wrong gift can be a real relationship death sentence. If I go too small I'll disappoint her. If I go too big I'll freak her out. I can't let that happen. So I came up with an equation that led me to the perfect gift for Poppy. A represents Queen Poppy. B is all of her queenly responsibilities. C is the amount of time spent doing her hair every morning. Therefore A plus B square minus the cosine of square root of C... You guys see where I'm going with this." Branch says as he looks at the group.

"Yeah." Alexis, Darnell and Cooper say in union.

"Poppy never stops multi-tasking. So I'm gonna build her something that will save her time. I give you the world's first Troll hair-doer. I just need to go to Poppy's place and get the exact measurements of her head without her noticing and I'm good to go." Branch says.

"Well that doesn't sound creepy at all." Cooper says as Alexis and Darnell nervously shake their heads.


"Wow looks good." Cooper says as the group sees Branch finish his machine present for Poppy.

"Mmm-hmm. Poppy's gonna love that." Darnell says.

"Good job Branch. This turned out pretty good." Alexis says.

"Yeah you're right. It's not big enough. Her gift was ginormous. I'm gonna build a scrapbooking machine and attach it to the hair styler." Branch says as he begins working on the machine causing the group to duck from things from the machine flying at them.

"Sweet. Now it's definitely done." Cooper says.

"Agreed. Still got to go bigger. I'll attach a smoothie maker so Poppy can get her hair done, make scrapbooks and drink her favorite Troll berry banana smoothies. Great idea! It's perfect! Prince D you wanna take her for a spin?" Branch asks as the group is now hiding behind a table while wearing safety hats.

"Uh yeah no." Darnell says as he looks at the machine worriedly before Branch sits on the machine's chair.

"All right here I am. My hair's getting done and then I'm like oh rats! I forgot to make a scrapbook for Biggie's half birthday! It's working! It's working!" Branch shouts happily as he has the machine on as the group are putting up a bunch of pillows before getting into a steal box.

"Yep! Sure is!" Cooper says as he and Alexis close the door of the machine.

"And now for the final touch. The smoothie maker!" Branch shouts before machine goes awol and explodes sending him flying before he lands outside as the group go outside and see him on the ground.

"Uh Branch you okay?" Alexis asks.

"I think I broke my butt." Branch says as he groans.

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