King of Greed: Mammon

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Sylvester is staring at himself in the mirror of his bathroom, he's staring at his golden hair and slightly curved horns

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Sylvester is staring at himself in the mirror of his bathroom, he's staring at his golden hair and slightly curved horns. Sylvester's hair is all shriveled and his clothes are messy. 

His right eye glows a little as he grips the sink, tightly.

 "I look just like him..." Sylvester mutters to himself.

Sylvester glares at himself and he picks up a file and starts to file down his horns. Then when he finishes he grabs a bottle of hair dye and quickly dyes his hair red. 

Then Sylvester looks back at himself and his eye soften. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a blood crystal necklace. "Wish me luck, mom." He rubs his eye and puts a hand through his hair. "I'll need it."

Sylvester lets out a sigh as he walks out of the bathroom and he heads for his front door, grabbing his brown trench coat and his hat.

"Let's get this over worth."

Sylvester leaves his apartment and heads out into hell.




Sylvester looks up to the green skies of the Greed Ring.

"I hate it here." Sylvester mutters to himself as he starts walking down the sidewalk.

(Arcane is a very good show, I recommend watching it. I even have an Arcane book that you should check out.)

As Sylvester walks he passes many Imps. Sylvester takes a out cigarette and snaps his fingers a few times and his finger lights up in flame and he lights the cigarette.  

An Imp falls out of a second story window, naked and he runs off. A second Imp peers out of the window and shakes his hand at the other Imp. 

Sylvester shakes his head as he keeps walking. He spots a poster and stops. Sylvester turns to the poster and growls at it. The poster says "Mammon Industries. Don't mess with us, 'cause we can buy you and your family." 

Sylvester huffs and walks off.

Sylvester comes to a homeless Imp begging for money. Sylvester sighs as tosses a few dollars in, the Imp then grabs Sylvester hand and hands him a box of cigarettes. 

Sylvester nods to the Imp and continues walking. 

Sylvester notices two imps walking across the street, carrying a large glass pane. 

Nothing happens, the two Imps and the glass pane make it safely across the street. What? were you expecting something to happen?

Sylvester walks past the two Imps carrying the glass pane.

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