#19 - Hurt

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''Han I love youu!!'' One fanboy yelled as Han looked at him.

Chan of course, went in protective mode and pulled Han beside them. Even tho all of them were jealous and protective over their baby they were also protective of other members.

Minho, just like all of them didn't like loud noises. Specially when there's a crowd of people who couldn't stop yelling and shouting. He opened his mouth, about to say something but then he tripped and fall on the ground.

Everyone looked shocked at him and turned around. Chan and Changbin helped him to stand up while he was holding their strong hands.

''Are you okay baby?'' Chan asked.

''Ah, I-I, my leg is hurting,'' Minho said.

Chan and Changbin looked around trying to see if they can carry their baby towards the car who was about 20 feet from them. In the end Minho asked manager if he can carry him. He was happy when manager agreed to help him.

Minho loved when his boyfriends carried him but this was not the right time

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Minho loved when his boyfriends carried him but this was not the right time. His boyfriends focused on only him while they were walking. When they got to the car Han and Seungmin helped him and gently put him inside. Minho thanked manager as Han closed the door.

''Are you okay? What happened?'' Han asked worried.

''Yes, did someone push you?'' I.N asked.

''No one pushed me, I guess I tripped myself,'' Minho said and laughed a little.

''It's not big deal, trust me,'' he added as others smiled.

''Doctors will check you when we get to our apartment, okay?'' Chan said.

''Okay,'' Minho said.

Skz x Lee Know - Ours ✔️Finished✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora