Valentine's Day

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Diluc was always busy and though you wished he could stay in bed with you for such a day, work never slept and you understood. However, just because he couldn't be with you for the whole day like he wanted, doesn't mean he couldn't give you a little something to make your morning better.

Stretching your limbs from under the sunlit sheets, you fully expected the patch of cold that met your wandering hands. A pang went through your heart but you sighed and got up anyway, despite how much you wanted to laze around with your absent lover.

Wrapping a thin robe around your figure, you made your way down the wooden staircase, running your fingers across the intricate designs carved into the wood that you never quite make out. Adelinde met you at the bottom of the stairs, a gentle smile or her face.

Though confused, you allowed her to lead you to the dining table for breakfast, a plate of your favorite being placed in front of her. You were about to thank her when she stopped you, telling you with a sly voice that this particular dish was made by Master Diluc. She left with a little giggle as the heat rose to your face.

Even though Diluc wasn't there, warmth spread to your face at the thought that he was always thinking of you.


Quiet time with each other was the go to every year the day of love rolled around. You sighed contently as you melted into his side, a book cradled in your hands and your head resting on his chest. His arm was coiled around your waist, a book of his own propped up like a scholar with his elbow on the arm of the couch.

The day had been tranquil, the most of the noise coming from your occasional conversation or the singing birds that would perch on the open window sills. The breeze wafted through the house, chasing away the Liyuen heat.

Later the two of you would get dinner, a nice restaurant calling the name of both of your refined tastes. Sips of tea for him and wine for you as hands were delicately held across the table while the muffled chatter surrounded the two of you.

Soft smiles and gazes of absolute adoration were shared throughout the night, still there as you both fell into bed, curling up next to each other under the silk covers.


Gifts bombarded you from every angle the moment you woke up. Jewelry, trinkets, clothes, food, and more you have yet to uncover. The amount of gifts was more like a birthday but with a cheesy heart and roses theme spread throughout.

You didn't have the heart to tell your overenthusiastic lover that all of this was unnecessary when he looked at you with teary puppy dog eyes. Eyes that immediately dropped to a wide smile when you resigned to your fate with a fond chuckle.

He took off work to spend an extravagant day out with you, love blossoming in your heart whenever you felt his arm slip around your waist or a peck to your cheek.

You did your best to pay him back, sneaking away for a quick moment to run to a shop where he had been staring at a beautiful earring, but had passed it up in favor of continuing the day with you. Despite it being quite expensive, you bought the earring and the face of adoration he made after unwrapping it, and the oxygen stealing hug he engulfed you in, made every mora worth it.


A shy one you knew, and because of that, you didn't expect something so incredibly romantic. Aether had asked a few days ago, when everyone started to get rather excited about the coming day, what the day had even meant. You did your best to explain and he merely nodded.

Thinking it was simple curiosity about a tradition he hadn't heard about, you put his reaction out of your mind. But come the morning of the holiday Aether was bugging you to get out of bed, gently nudging you whenever you rolled over to get away from his cold hands.

Eventually you resigned and climbed out of bed, getting dressed and following Aether, who carried a large basket. The first thing you noticed was a lack of a certain emergency food and when you inquired, he said she was hanging out with Amber for the day.

Your walk ended up leading to the most beautiful clearing you had ever seen. Vibrant, healthy trees with birdsong on the breeze. A small brook bubbling down the side made it all the more ethereal.

It was a place he found on his travels, he said, a place he wanted to take you to show you how much he loved you. And there you two stayed for the rest of the day, basking in the beauty of the forest and stuffing yourself with Aether's amazing cooking.

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