
77 4 0

Characters - Diluc, Childe, Kaeya, Scaramouche/Wanderer

Warnings - Suggestive themes


Morning flooded through the heavy curtains, staining your eyes red till you were forced to open them. Sighing at the thought of having to get up, you snuggled back to the hard chest behind you, smiling softly when the arm around your waist tightened.

Turning over to bury your face in your husband's neck, you noticed his eyes half lidded and filled with impeccable fondness. Your face burned with the intense adoration he was showering you with, with his eyes alone, and leaned up to peck his lips to cover your abashedness.

He chuckled, flaming hair spilling over his shoulders and tickling your bare waist. He let his lips trail from your own, to the corner of your lips, to the apples of your cheeks, to your forehead, until every inch of your face is covered with soft morning kisses from your husband.

You giggled, nuzzling into the crook of his neck to hide your burning cheeks. You always loved the early mornings.


Reading a book in the late afternoon, you were set in a bubble of tranquility. The easy clicking of a clock was the only thing to fill the empty air, but left behind a comfortable presence.

The door slamming shocked your system but you couldn't help the fond smile that crept over your lips. Putting your book down, you rose to the call of "Babe I'm home!" from your husband in the hallway, no doubt struggling to rid himself of his boots with his tired legs.

Coming to find exactly as you thought made you laugh and Ajax snapped his head up at the sound. Finally maneuvering out of his boots he padded over to you with a cheeky grin.

You grinned back, pulling him down by the lapels of his coat to smash your lips on his. He responded right away, enthusiastically reciprocating your passionate kiss.

You pulled back and pecked his cheek. "Welcome home."


You shivered as Kaeya lips traveled down your body, mapping out every dip and curve of your skin. You swore his kisses left icicles behind but it didn't matter so much as the heat of your body would melt them straight away.

A languid kiss against your inner thigh had you shuddering violently, something that amused your lover greatly as he gave a small kiss in the same spot as an apology.

Your legs tightened around his head as a response. He trailed his equally cold fingers along the previous track of his kisses, chuckling at your breathy moans and continuing to lavish your thighs in chilly adoration.


It wasn't so much kissing as it was soft biting. With you straddling his thighs he made perfect access to your delectable lips and he took full advantage of it. Sucking and licking and biting till your lips were bright red and slicked with shared saliva.

The sight of you so debauched from a simple make out session had him squeezing the meat of your hips, holding you too himself in a no doubt bruising grip.

He trailed those kisses down your neck, sucking pink bruises to places you couldn't hide them, and one especially behind your ear that had you moaning loudly. You felt his curling smirk in the crook of your shoulder, his hands sliding your shirt to the side.

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