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If the time comes for you to leave home and you believe you need to find yourself, stop waiting for agreement. It's a fearful prospect, especially when this is your first time looking forward to it. Take your life into your own hands. But it's an inescapable thing and the more you delay, the more you lag behind your generation. Yes, I understand there are dynamics to every person's story. So this is from the basis of my experiences.

As soon as you're done with schooling, you must leave home, whether you have a job offer already or not. Sometimes, parents say you need to get a job before you leave home, but in today's world, you need to leave first before you can get a job. Parents respect you more when they don't see your face often, this speaks with other familiar faces in general. The market is crowded and usually, you must be there in person to fight it out for a chance.

And you don't need to hate your parents, because they're often in the mistaken belief that they're acting in your best interests, or they are just floundering with letting go of control. You just need to be strong and diplomatic. You can say you actually got a job and then keep adjusting the story as time goes by until you actually secure one, or you can do small hustles that pass for a job while buying you time to find your path.

If I can be honest with you, I had never thought of myself as a writer or anyone who can be able to articulate effectively how they feel, factual statements, and occurrences. It was just a space of maneuvering and trying to find my footing in different locations that enabled the creative significance in my life.

Remember, the language of personal growth is foreign to most parents. Self-actualization was not a thing in their day - and no wonder so few of them attained it. So, instead of trying to educate them when they still see you as a child, better be perceptive and use tactful diplomacy.

If everything fails, however, you're being put on lockdown at home, just sneak away and disappear. Fight it out there as if your life depends on it because it does. There are many frustrated people in midlife today whose lives amounted to nothing because of the over-controlling of parents who couldn't release them to go fight it out there.

For parents, I understand it can be a scary thing to release your child out there. In some instances, because of the separation anxiety of is painful but necessary. If you want them to make a place for themselves in the world, you can't keep them in the house. Better to assure them of your support, and availability at any time, so that they can always retreat home to take a breather when the going gets tough. Sometimes it takes a fight to secure your place in the world and your child needs space and support to fight their battles. Stop becoming another fight for them. 

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