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I hope soon the person you've been and the person you're becoming finally makes peace. Yes, our parents tried, but some of us are where we are today because we re-parented ourselves. I hope soon there's handing over of power from the old you to the new you. I hope the ceremony for the retirement of the outgoing and the inauguration of the incoming happens soon. I hope you truly allow that transition to happen soon.

Trust me, from there you will realize your calling and your purpose wasn't about money or career, but mostly about returning to your authentic self in terms of emotions and sanity. You'll see that your destiny was never about doing but being. It mostly involves peeling off layers that are foreign, and what this gives, is the wisdom to see that this what was the old you was made of and it's now outdated and over.

Surprisingly, you will arrive at something you truly did not expect but which you truly were longing for deeply. That is peace & contentment from within your feelings. You'll taste the independence of taking charge of your emotions and the element of being co-dependent in relationships and that will take away the seeking of permission and validation from others and simply influence you to cruise in the direction of your narrative.

For whoever is going through a rough patch of discovering themselves or battling mental health issues, I hope you truly know that the greatest lesson you have learned so far is that you still have a lot to learn. There's a temptation when you begin to awaken and grow you think you have known enough especially when you compare it with what you knew before. The true sign of knowledge is hunger for more, not complacency or pride. Love and Light.

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