Chapter Five: Eddie's Girl

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The day grew into night, a cold, dark night...The beautiful fall week was over, it was cold and very rainy...October 15.

Emma's Pov:

He and I were tucked into his bed, latched onto each other, it was very cold, but with him, I felt the warmest I have ever been. I felt as if his hands were waves, cascading down my body, meeting every little contour of me...If he was the ocean, I'd drown trying to stay with him as long as I could—I'd be happy to.

I could feel his breathing on my neck, and I was sure he could feel mine too...My arms were wrapped around his neck, crossing behind it. Eddie's arms were around my waist, yet---he would run his hands up and down, massaging my back, just a bit, and I enjoyed it. I left small kisses down his neck and got a low chuckle in return, to which I giggled at him, soon I pulled away and decided to speak about him and me. "So...I mean-" I cleared my throat and sat up with him, my head tilting. "A lot has happened in the last few days...I mean, It's only been like...three days- I know I've known you for a while, but...I don't know what it is...This feels wrong, what if Jason gets mad?" I said, and that gave me a frown in return...Eddie looked as if I had said something so hurtful...Maybe I did. Eddie looked at me, and it made me look away, I could feel his hands clasp together, like he used to do when he was younger...I looked back at him, my face looked guilty, though I didn't know...

"Emma, why would Jason be mad? And why would you of all people care? You have a right to your own decisions." He sounded so...calm, it almost shocked me..I looked at him confused. "I'm sorry- I know, that was a stupid question, I don't know why I asked that...Sorry." I said, my voice cracked lightly and Eddie looked at me, soon pulling my face closer. "It's okay...It's a reasonable question to ask...There's no need to say sorry, Emma." I looked at him and cleared my throat, god I was such a fucking baby right now...It feels like I'm a typical Y/n, ya know? (SORRY AJSHD ) I looked at him and whined as I saw his pretty eyes...Ugh his stupid pretty eyes, he looked at me and I looked away "Well, I thought you'd be like- mad that I asked..I mean if you are, that's okay, I understand- I'm sorry...BUt like, if y ou're mad, like I understand-" I was cut off by Eddie's hand, covering my mouth, I gasped lightly and looked at him, he pulled back and tilted his head down at me, soon he looked away, his bottom lip went into his mouth, twiticing lightly as his eyes looked around, he took a deep breath and looked back at me "Emma...Who told you being mad is a appropriate response? You only asked a question. I'm not mad...WHy would I be?" He asked, soon he started to realize when my shoulders sunk, and I looked at him, he looked at me differently right now, which made me almost panic. "Jason would always get all angry when I would ask stupid questions, so I just- thought you would too...I thought it was normal to; my parents do that as well...Eddie, is that not normal?" I panicked at the end of my sentence, and it showed in my expression, which he soon noticed...He brushed some of my hair behind my ear, he admired my face and I could tell. He looked at me and shook his head. "No, that's not normal- No one should get mad at someone that's just asking a question...I mean. Emma, for you to think that's an appropriate response to a simple question, shows me that you're very fucking wounded...Mentally, I mean." Eddie said, which made me feel even weirder, I pulled back and looked at him. "I'm not fucking 'wounded'. My family is perfect and so was Jason! Y-You're the wounded, one for uh- uh thinking you shouldn't get angry at that!" I defended myself, and Eddie looked at me blankly, my yelling would usually get anyone to do what I want, but, not Eddie.

I kept my eyes on his.

Eddie's Pov:

What the fuck is she talking about!? Emma needs serious reassurance. 

I decided to test something, it may be cruel, but it's just to prove a point, and I won't actually do it anyways. I rose my hand up a bit quickly, and that and only that made Emma flinch, she flinched hard, it made me frown, I then pulled my hand down and looked at her, the kind of look like: 'Then what was that?', she looked at me, I could tell she was angry with me, but I don't want her to keep secrets and shit from me. "Emma..You know you can talk to me right? Seriously...Like when we were kids you'd come to me at any fucking point, what happened to that? I remember you running up to me when I came over with Gareth, and forced me to your room just so we could talk about our days...I want you to feel that comfortable again...If something or someone shaped you into not sharing anything, just know I'm here, I'm here for you, and only you...Do you understand?" I said, my voice softened and lightly cracked when I said those very few words. My eyes met her lips, which were quivering, her eyes were glossy and darted away when I'd look at her, soon I saw her lips part as she spoke, in a hushed and cracked tone "Yeah.."...Just that tone of voice made my heart shatter, I felt the pieces fucking fall through me...I then pulled her closer, holding her, I enclosed her into my arms and she seemed to like that, I wanted to comfort Emma as much as I possibly can. I want to be as close to her as I was when we were younger, I want to feel that other connection again. I just need her to know when I love someone I'm not fucking backing down on anything, if she needs to talk to me, she can, but if she won't and it's obvious she's fucking hurting, then I'm going to get it out of her, whether it takes me a day, or fucking years, I am going to try to help her heal from whatever it is. 

In Love We Trust  By: MeMiWhere stories live. Discover now