Silent Storm

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Both teams INFILed to the Landing Zone via HALO jump from a civilian plane deep into the woodlands. They linked up with a four-man squad of Ground Branch Operators and made their way to the Joint Operations Center in Belgrade. Their target was Draisen Jovanović, a veteran of the Serbian 72nd Brigade for Special Operations, since leaving he had developed a network of mercenaries to carry out the wishes of the highest bidders. Their job was to gather intel on Jovanić's clients, find and dispose of the nuclear device, and eliminate all parties involved. One client in particular, Rurik Ivanov, a former officer of Vega Group now working in the foreign relations private sector. Ivanov was suspected of acquiring and selling everything from military hardware to drugs, and now WMDs. Jovanović and Ivanov had built a professional relationship based on quid pro quo.

Leading their Operation on the spook side was Special Skills Officer Erin Cole, she stood at five-foot-nine, with blonde hair, and blue eyes. She was objectively attractive, based on how other operators visually followed her.

"Our objective is to identify and locate all potential buyers here for the device," started Cole, "Our best way to get our hands on them is by grabbing the men who know all the players."

The plan was to grab Jovanović and Rurik, get the intel on the clients and pick them off. Both targets were meeting at a loft secluded on the outskirts of the city. They were meeting under cover of night, making it an ideal time for a body snatch.

The perimeter would have twelve guards outside, another eight inside, and six guarding the HVTs. The Deltas were going to approach from the west while the SEALs were going in from the east and they'd meet in the middle.

Officer Cole pulled Jace to the side.

"Alright, so police presence in this area is scarce," said the intelligence expert. "But that doesn't mean they won't be there."

"I'm aware," replied Jace. "You worried about local law enforcement guarding the meeting, Jovanović has people on the payroll, right?"

"He does, up to the highest level."

"Then we better grab him before he can make the call."

Jace returned to his team and the Deltas, he saw Brett and Zach looking at him smugly. Jace recalled how Dave and Holloway made similar looks regarding his relationship with Ziva.

"We don't have time to act like school kids laughing at the class sucker," said Julian. "Out with it."

"What is it with you and hot spooks?!" laughed Rhodes.

Jace groaned, despite David Reese being the player between the two it was Julian's private life constantly being put in the spotlight. He recalled how he had acted as his friends' wingman before he met Kathleen. Tony had started doing the same, he would drag Jace to a bar to drum up attention from badge bunnies and tag chasers. Personally, Jace never paid much attention to frog hogs even before he met Kat. After seeing his father's marriage with Stephanie fall apart, he became socially conservative, even more so after the Rebecca Chase fiasco.

"She called you over to tell you something you already knew!" said Zach

Jace jocked up and waited in the lead vehicle. He did not need to think about anything to do with dating right now.

. . .

Once within a two-mile radius of the target building the operators dismounted from the sedan and made the rest of the way in on foot. Dodd and two other SEALs set up overwatch while the rest carried on the assault. The CAG team was doing the same. Once they reached to courtyard entrance Jace gave the signal to dispatch the enemy marksmen. Rhodes picked the lock and they proceeded to enter. They went to the loft, and ISR confirmed that the targets were inside, unsuspecting of what was outside.

"November-One to Sierra-One, we are in position, over"

"Copy November-One, We are good to go."

Rhodes used a Det Cord Charge to breach the door, once it went down Jace tossed in a Nine-Banger and the Team went in. The Deltas breached threw the rear entrance at the same time. They managed to eliminate the bodyguards and detain the HVTs, two CAG assaulters backed Jovanović into a corner while the rest took down two guards. Ivanov tried to pull out a Makarov pistol, forcing Jace to shoot him, the round went into the side of the neck.

Jace and Rhodes bang treating Ivanov; Officers Cole and Grey stressed that he was vital to identifying unidentified terror groups.

Everyone began conducting SSE, there were a few laptops and computer hard drives. Rhodes radioed overwatch, the streets were clear so far.

"November-One to TOC, commencing SSE, over."

"Copy, November-One, ISR says you're in the clear."

Ivanov was stable and everyone was almost done collecting intel. They moved to the hard-copied files. Jace radioed overwatch to get the sedans and extract them. Just as the team was ready for extraction, rapid gunfire shattered the windows.

"TOC, we're taking fire from the west side of my position."

"Intel didn't say anything about enemy QRF!" said West.

"ISR showed that local cops weren't patrolling the area," added Jace.

"November-One. ISR and intelligence indicate that the assailants are local Mafia."

"Serbian gangbangers, how fun?!" shouted Rhodes.

Jace alerted Dodd of their predicament, ordering them to approach from the east. He got sight of one of the shooters, focused his rifle on his target, and fired. With no clear way out Jace improvised, he used a C-4 charge to blast a hole in a wall, and Zach used a smoke grenade to cover the teams' exit.

They made their way to the EXFIL point, bounding through the corridors. Once the teams were out of the AO limits Jace radioed the TOC.

"TOC, the status of the assailants?"

"November-One, the mobsters appear to have dispersed to the direction opposite to you."

Once the operators returned to the operations center Jace and Zach went to speak to the intel team.

"Mobsters?" inquired West.

"The HVTs were the biggest players on the map," said Jace. "Taking them out and taking over what they had is what makes reputations."

"He's right," said Cole. "They must've played it close to the chest, no one knew anything."

This worried Jace, it was like the Taliban clashing with ISIS, both fighting for power over the domains they sought. And when two beasts wanted the same thing they would utilize any means they deemed necessary to capture it. No matter the bloodshed.

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