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They closed in on the Ranch, and Torres and Deeks launched tear gas and 9-bangers over the walls. They breached the gates, making their way to the house. Hanna and Callen covered their entry. Jace and Reese secured Williams and Vargas, and Torres and Deeks secured Blye and the boy.

"You won't get out of here alive," said Vargas.

"State troopers and the Mexican Army will be here in minutes," backed Williams.

Torres called Trevors to bring the Humvee in and everyone made their EXFIL, they were close to the LZ, but the Army and State Police were in their way. Guns and a rocket launcher in their way.

"Release the hostages!" shouted the commander.

Miller maintained the M2, standing their ground. In response, three troopers opened fire. The SEAL simply cut them down, killing the shooters and the commander.

Reese forced Vargas's head out of the window, and Hanna did the same with Williams.

"Don't shoot!" said the arms dealer. "My son is in the car!"

The soldiers and cops backed off.

They turned the vehicle around, eventually returning to the ranch. They barricaded themselves in the estate, locking the HVTs in a closet. Julian radioed the JOC.

"We need EXFIL now."

"No go, Echo One, the area is too hot."

"Blye, Deeks take the kid to the basement," ordered Jace.

The duo complied.

NCIS Executive Assistant Director Pacific Shay Mosley had arrived with a small team of Mexican Federales, but further support had been cut off.

"We've got no QRF and we can't make it to the LZ without the troopers blasting at us," said Reese. "You fucked us over Hanna!"

Ward and Clarke held their friend back as he charged at the Navy SEAL-turned-NCIS Agent. The agent in question punched a wall, feeling that he endangered more operators.

Jace pulled Callen aside.

"What's his deal?" The Team Leader asked the other

"He didn't want to get your team involved," stated Callen. "But with Vargas in the picture, we thought that you guys should be around for the takedown."

Jace approached Sam.

"Listen, you and I are never going to be friends," Jace got to the point. "But right now we're in it, so get your head on straight."

The older man nodded.

Seemingly out of nowhere, the roar of gunfire and rockets tore through the air.

"What the hell is that? Cartels? Federales?" asked Callen.

"Could be both," said Jace. "Let's not stick around to see it for ourselves."

As everyone made their way back to the Humvee it was taken out with a rocket. They fell back into the house. Mosley handed her son to Federales, who took the boy to the next room.

"All stations, be advised that Mexican Federal Agents have engaged with Williams' and Vargas' forces."

Just what we needed. Jace liked this even less than the idea of facing the Cartels head-on.

"You're all dead," mocked Blair.

"My people will execute you all and those you love," added Vargas.

"You'll never—"

Blair and Vargas never got to finish their threats, Director Mosley took out a Glock and shot both men at point-blank range.

Everyone was too shell-shocked to react. More Mexican Federales knock the door down, shouting at them to stand down. The agents and operators raised their hands, and Mosley surrendered her firearm to them. The PFM team leader saw the bodies.

"You killed them," the man said, truly stunned.

"One could interpret it that way," said Jace. "Or maybe Vargas came here seeking asylum from Mr. Williams, but when cornered by American Forces he shot Williams to get rid of his accomplice and turned the gun on himself to avoid being arrested."

The Mexican LEOs thought about this, looking at each other. The Team Leader considered this.

"Whatever power these men had over your government is dead with them," pressed Julian. "It's over."

The PFM troopers nodded, liking this idea. The Team Leader took Mosley's Glock, wiping away the fingerprints, placing it in Vargas' hand.

Everyone went their separate ways, the CIA helicopter picked up the SEALs and NCIS Agents. During the ride home almost everyone took the time to sleep. Everyone except Julian and Kara, the two sat together discussing the outcome of the mission.

"The story D.C. is spinning is that American Special Operators worked with the Mexican Federal Police to apprehend Vargas when he violated his house arrest," said Kara. "Fighting their way through cartel soldiers and corrupt troops, only to see that Vargas had already killed himself to avoid extradition after killing Blair Williams after he demanded more money for his services."

Jace laughed quietly.

"That was a tough choice you made," stated Kara. "Working with someone whose actions lead to you and your friend being steamrolled."

"Sam Hanna and I may never agree on many things or get along," said Jace. "But avenging American lives is something we see eye to eye on."

Kara kissed his neck, laying her head on his shoulder. Jace wrapped his arm around her.

Everyone liked to jab at Julian's preference for women, some thought he liked brunettes with stunning eyes, and others believed he liked "hot girls who carry guns" (something Tony said they have in common, then again who didn't). Jace always liked women who were just as, if not then even more, stubborn than he was. He needed an opposing force and a confidante, someone to push him to become better than he was the day before and to keep him from taking himself out of the fight. They didn't need to be a professional warrior, just one in their own right. You didn't need a uniform or badge to be a warrior.

He loved Kara for Kara, he loved her as much as he loved Ziva, as much as he loved Kathleen.

Once they landed, Kara left to brief the DOJ, and Jace and his team went back to Dam Neck.

When he got home the kids were still asleep.

Julian thought of what his counterparts in Mexico went through day-to-day, he was grateful for his family. He thought about Shay Mosley and the lengths she went to save her son.

Grateful for his team.

The sacred things were worth the effort, worth fighting for.

Whatever came his way next, he had his team and they had him.

Let them come.

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