Skalitz is gone.

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The next day, Anna wake up and left house before everyone else. And immediately went to the tavern, to Bianca. The tavern would open a little earlier than usual. She went inside and her eyes immediately searched for Bianca. As soon as she saw her, she sat down at a table without even saying a 'hi'.

She was very confused and had a bad feeling. Bianca put down her wine bottle and turned to Anna.

"Good morning to you too, Anna."

Anna did not answer. Bianca understood her language. She poured wine into a glass and placed it in front of Anna.

"Tell me, my lady. What's your problem?"

Anna finished her wine in one go.

"I don't know, Bianca, but I have a very bad feeling."

"Well... about what?"

"It's like... something very bad is going to happen"

"I see. Sometimes it's happens to me too. You shouldn't think too much. Then it will go by itself"

Anna took a deep breath and thought Bianca was right. But she was still restless.

"How was it last night, you were having dinner with Sir Radzig?"

"What? Me?"

"It's just a joke, Anna! I mean you and your family have dinner at his castle. But you're really excited by that..."

Anna was very surprised and embarrassed by this. She couldn't say anything and just looked at Bianca.

"Okay, please don't look at me like that Anna but I have to admit Sir Radzig is a really charming man"


"How much will you be surprised today?"

"I... I don't know, it just weird you saying that"

"Don't you find him attractive?"

"He's my lord!"

"So? Lords can't make love?"


Bianca had laughed at that. Anna's shy side were very funny to her. Anna wasn't normally this shy, but when it came to Radzig... He was her lord and her father's best friend. It seemed very strange to her to think such things about him.

"Last night... Sir Radzig was a little..."

"What? How was he?"

"I don't know how to say it. It's like he was too interested in me. Maybe he is just kind but..."

"So? Are you surprised by this? All men want to jump on you Anna! Cause you're 19 and still not married. Sir Radzig might just be one of those who want to take you to their bed"

Anna couldn't speak after Bianca's words. She had always been a very outspoken person. But still Anna didn't think so. Radzig could not interested of her, it was impossible. He was just her lord and had treated her as kindly like he is her father. That was all. On the other hand, she really like that.

"Okay... I won't bother you any longer. But admit it, you likes his attention"

Anna finally laughed at Bianca.

"I knew it! You naughty lady"

Anna gave Bianca a glance. She was the best person she's ever had here.

"Thanks, Bianca, for talking to me. It's been really good to me. I'm so lucky to have a friend like you."

This time Bianca smiled truly sincerely.

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