Rest in Talmberg.

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A few hours later, when night fell, Anna opened her eyes.

She woke up in a beautiful room. She straightened slightly on the bed and noticed that her leg was still sore. But she felt much better. Then she felt a pain in her heart. Great pain. She felt like she forgot something. Then she remembered. She remembered what had happened in Skalitz, how her family had been murdered before her eyes. She had lost her lover and friends.

Perhaps even Sir Radzig was dead. She didn't know what was going on there, and it hurt so much. She felt alone in the huge world. But she couldn't cry. She was just watching the ground nervously. She didn't know what to feel. Her body was still not over the shock.

Then a maid came to her room.

"My lady, you're awake! How are you feeling"

"I'm better, dear. I'm better..."

"Is there anything you want?"

"I'm hungry..."

"Sure. It's perfectly normal after everything you've been through. I'll get you some food. Wait, please."

The maid left the room and Anna was again alone with her thoughts. She couldn't accept the facts and didn't want to think about it. She was trying to erase what was there from her mind. She wished this was all just a bad nightmare. A few minutes later the maid came with a tray in her hands. Anna is really hungry. As never before. She wanted to eat and forget all the pain.

"Thanks a lot"

"Bon appetit, my lady. Sir Divish wanted to talk to you. I'll let him know Sir Robard after you've finished your meal."


Anna didn't want to talk to anyone right now, but there was great danger, and Sir Divish had to know. Anna quickly finished all her food. She was as hungry as she had ever been in her life.

Sir Robard came into his room.

"My Anna. Are you feeling better?"

"I'm fine, Sir Robard. Thank you for everything."

"Now is not the time to say thank you, girl. What happened there?"

Anna took a deep breath and a small tear rolled out of her eye.

"Suddenly...they attacked..."

Anna could not speak. This was very painful for her.

"Okay okay... Calm down. Sir Divish needs information, Anna. You have to tell him everything what's going on. Now I'm going to call him. Be prepared, please"


Anna tried to compose herself. She wiped her tears and began to wait. She should have been ready to tell. Anna struggled to sit up as Sir Divish entered the room. He was the Lord of Talmberg after all.

"Please, Lady Anna. Relax. You're hurt."

"Thank you, my lord."

Sir Divish sat slowly on Anna's bed.

"What happened there, Anna? How are Radzig and Martin?"

"My lord... A huge army suddenly appeared in front of Skalitz. They attacked the village before we even can't understand what was happening. His soldiers were fighting like... very brutal and in a way I had never seen before. Not like our soldiers. They had scary and strange masks. They killed everyone in the village. My mom and father... was murdered on front of my eyes. Sir Radzig and his men was in the castle. Maybe he is alive. But, I do not know"

Sir Divish began to watch the ground with sadness and fear.

"God bless us. This is Sigismund as I guessed."

Kingdom Come: Deliverance حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن