Confronting Radzig.

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Just as he were about to take off Anna's pants, a woman appeared behind them.

"Hey, you assholes!"

The voice sounded familiar to Anna, but she was preoccupied with her pain and could not look. The man turned to the woman. It was Theresa.

"Another woman? We are definitly blessed today!"

Theresa gave them just a glance.

"Come and try me if you have any courage!"

The men released Anna and turned to Theresa. As soon as they started walking towards her, Sir Robard and the 5 horsemen with him started to ride quickly towards them. The men did not even understand what had happened. But the big man who was their leader had somehow managed to escape. Robard and his men had killed several of them.

Theresa immediately rushed Anna.


She turned Anna's face to her and picked her up. She wiped the mud off her face and pulled her hair from her face.

"Oh, Anna... why did you come here..."

After Sir Robard and his men had completely driven out the bandits, Robard rushed to them.

"My beautiful girl... Who knows how frightened she was. We arrived just in time. Thank you Theresa for letting us know. You're very brave."

"I just did what I had to do. Come on, we should carry her to Rattay"

"You're right. Sir Radzig needs to know what happened."

They put Anna together on a stretcher made of wood and cloth and began to carry her to Rattay. It had been a long journey, but they made it. Everyone in Rattay village was watching them. Lady Anna's situation was not heartwarming at all. Theresa brought Anna to the house where she and her uncle had settled in Rattay and put her to bed. She took off her dirty clothes. They were devastated. She immediately threw it all away then dressed Anna in a dress and took her to the bathhouse with her uncle's help. Anna was still unconscious. Her consciousness came for a very short time sometimes but she couldn't even open her eyes. The woman who owns the bathhouse took special care of Anna.

Meanwhile... Robard had to do the most difficult. thing. To tell Radzig what happened. He went to the dining hall of Rattay castle. A beautiful table was set with food. Sir Radzig, Sir Hanush and his nephew Sir Hans Capon, Sir Bernand and a priest were sitting at the table chatting. Usually the lords of Rattay having breakfast here every morning.

Sir Robard came in and bowed to all lords respectfully. Radzig started to smile when he saw him, because his arrival meant that Anna had come too.

"Robard! Welcome. Would you like to sit with us?"

Sir Hanush greeted him kindly. Robard hesitated.

"My lords... I don't have good news unfortunately."

Radzig instantly frowned and all he could think of was Anna. His heart was starting to race a little.

"What happened?"

He asked in a calm and cold voice.

"My lord... Lady Anna"

It was what he feared. Trying not to let anyone notice, Radzig swallowed and clenched his fists. The thought that something had happened to Anna was making him mad, and his heart had completely raced. Of course he looked very calm and professional from the outside.

"Tell me what happened, Robard"

"Lady Anna asked Sir Divish for permission to go to Skalitz to bury her parents, and Sir Divish of course doesn't give permission, but... then she somehow managed to escape"

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