Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

I made my way upstairs where all of my stuff was. I decided to go home, I couldn't do anything more. I grabbed my belongings and made my way down the creaky steps. I guess someone had turned on the news, because I heard a familiar new reporter's voice beside me. I sent my stuff next to the umbrella holder thingy and plopped my self down on the couch. The smooth leather let me sink in, feeling as if it had been millions if years since I'd sat down. I lifted myself up gently and glanced at the television set, not blinking.

"Police have discovered a black SUV speeding down route 205 with a young girl in the trunk. She had been bruised on her lower arm, ankle, forehead,-" I cut the man off with my thoughts. Oh how that poor girl had suffered. Then it hit me.

"THEY FOUND HER, OMIGOD THEY FOUND HER!" As tired as I was, I ran outside. I didn't actually know where I was going, so I ran to the nearby police station. It was about two blocks away, not a very far jog. I ran up to the woman who sat at the front. "Excuse me, the girl who was on the news, Melissa was-is-her name, where is she?"

"I'm sorry sweetheart, but that is classified information." The woman said. I felt rate boiling my blood.

"Excuse me, miss, but that is my FRIEND. Her seeing my face will calm her down, the poor girl has been suffering for a long time. I would appreciate you telling me where she is." I kept my cool, but she began to see my anger building.

"13 Rochway Avenue, Wilkins' Hospital Center." She spoke hoarsely.

"Thank you," I sweetly replied. I turned on my heel, walked a few steps until I was outside, and I began to run. I finally arrived 10 lifetime-long minutes later. I walked up to the receptionist and asked where Melissa was. She looked at me with disgust.

"And if I may ask, who are you?"

"I am Melissa's friend, Skylar."

"Why are you so dirty?" She asked.

"We'll, I was chasing the SUV that Melissa was IN." I emphasized the "in".

"Alright, then." She finally said. "Head on up to floor 6, room 12."

"Thank you," I replied, the same way I had to the woman at the police station. I headed towards the elevator and pressed the button with the illuminating 6. I got there at last, and I browsed the room numbers. I whispered them to myself. "7...8.....9.....10......11...12!" I exclaimed quietly. I rushed in, and as soon as I saw Melissa's tired face, I wanted to hug her. She turned to me.

"Hey," she weakly said. I smiled as a tear trickled down my face. Her smile was always dazzling, no matter what.

"How are you?" I asked, starting to bawl, but holding my tears back as best as I could.

"It's okay to cry, ya know." She said. I sat on the edge of her bed, and put my hand on hers. She flipped her hand over and squeezed my hand as hard as she could. This girl is amazing I thought.

"You're amazing," I say. "You are as strong as a bull, yet you are so weak." She looks at me confused.

"I'm not weak, I am still strong." I feel the grip on my hand loosen. "You are the most beautiful person I've ever met, next to me, of course." We both lightly giggled. I kept her laugh repeating in my head.

"I have to go, but I'll always be with you." she smiles and closes her eyes.

"No," I say as I begin to realize what's going on. "NO!" I scream. I slam my head on her no longer rising stomach, and I lie there motionlessly crying. I still have her laugh in my head. I place the tulips next to her bed on her stomach, and overlap her hands on top of them. I close the curtains and the door, as I quietly exit. "See you later," I say. I continue to close the door, and I head towards the elevator.


Okay, I guess this is my last chapter..... And it's my first story so it wasn't the best. Thanks for reading anyway, guys! Love you and I PROMISE I'll post my first chapter of my next story soon. :) thanks again!!!!

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