I'm so tired - A

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Warnings: just a lotta angst

Everything started out so perfect. Dates, date nights, random flowers, kisses and cuddles, makeouts in the kitchen at 2am. The list of perfection that once was is endless. Two years of the relationship between the two is one that people only dream of. Y/Ns love for Florence was undeniable, in public and in the privacy of their own home. Florence the same, she showed Y/N off to anyone who cared to listen, and even to those who didn't.

Of course, it all came crashing down though. Not all at once. No, this was slowly, over time. Florence began forgetting date nights, coming home when you were already asleep and leaving before you woke again. You knew the demands of her job before you entered the relationship, you knew that her job meant the absolute world to her. And you could not be more proud of her, everyone knows the name 'Florence Pugh', you were her biggest fan and number one supporter. But that didn't stop you from being devastated when she had forgotten your date night for the 3rd week in a row.

As I'm sitting at the table watching the wax of the candle drip as it burns, it just reminds me of how long I have been sitting here. By myself. The two plates of dinner you had prepared have already been covered and put away to not go to waste. You sat starring at your phone debating whether you should call her or not. You were worried, something could have happened, there also could be a reasonable explanation for why she isn't home yet. You sit there trying to convince yourself of these things when you know completely that she has just forgotten.

Tired of sitting there, you rise to your feet and make your way to the bathroom to take a shower to wash off the day. You stand under the flow of the hot water and your emotions get the better of you. As the salt of your tears mix with the fresh water of the shower, you begin to wonder where it went wrong. Did you do something wrong? Does she still feel the same? Is there something bigger going on for her to be recently absent? You wrack your brain as you finish up in the shower and step out to dry off.

Florence POV
As I step in the frong door, I am met with darkness and silence, which is strange as Y/N usually has music playing or is watching some sort of TV. I head towards the kitchen and my stomach drops as I see the blown out candle, along with the flowers and two plates of dinner wrapped up. Fuck. I've fucked up. Again.

I take my shoes off and make my way towards our bedroom quickly in hopes that my girlfriend is there. I don't have an excuse as to why I missed our date night. I forgot and it's as simple and as shitty as that. I'm prepared for her wrath and for her to blow up but to my surprise she's curled up in bed. She has her back to the door so I can't see her face.

I cross the room and sit myself on the bed and put my hand on her back but she shrugs my hand off which makes me shrink in my spot, "baby I am so sorry I missed dinner. I forgot. And I know, I know I have forgotten before and I have been so shitty lately, please let me make it up to you." I sit up straight as she turns around and lifts herself up.

My heart breaks at the sight of her tear stained cheeks and red eyes. She takes a deep breath before speaking. "Florence I'm so tired. I love you, so much that it hurts. I forgive and I forgive, and I know, believe me I know the demands of your job and I'm sure you are exhausted too" she stops as her voice breaks, which makes me frown "but I can't keep doing this. I can't keep being forgotten about. I won't do it. You have given me so much, you have loved me so greatly and I can't ever thank you enough for that. But I can't sit here and pretend I'm not devastated when you forget that we have plans. I know how important your job is, but I'd like to think that I'm somewhat important to you too". Tears rim my eyes at the thought of her doubting her importance in my life. I mentally slap myself for being the one to make her feel this way. This is never ever how I wanted her to feel, and especially not at my hands.

I reach out for her hand but she recoils so I do the same. "Baby, I am so sorry, I cannot apologise enough. You are the most important thing in my life. I'll sort myself out, I'll cut back my hours, I need you to know that I never meant for this to happen". I bring my eyes to meet hers as tears are falling down her face. "Florence I'd never expect you to do less of what you love to do the most. I can't keep doing this though. So I'm going to leave. For a while. I still have the lease on my old place. I need to figure things out and I can't do that if I'm constantly being let down. And if there is a bigger reason as to why this is happening, please tell me, we can sort it out. But if not. Please let me go for a while. I'm feeling pretty broken right now and I need to work to make myself feel whole. I can't depend on anyone else to fix me".

It feels like my whole world just came crashing down. This can't be happening. This isn't happening. I rise to my knees on the bed "no baby please don't go, I will be better, I promise". She smiles sadly at me and stands up out of bed "it isn't forever Florence" I cringe at the use of my full name "but I need to sort myself out and it seems you do too. I love you and I want what's best for you. I will be back, if that's what you want. And if it's not, we'll talk in a couple of weeks time when things are clearer." She leans down and kisses my forehead before slipping her shoes on. "I'll come back for some of my things tomorrow if that's okay, I'm going to stay at my moms house tonight to give you space".
I want to fight it, I want to beg her to stay but I need to respect what she wants to do as this mess is my doing. I just nod in response as she closes the bedroom door behind her.
I curl up on Y/Ns side of the bed and begin to sob. How the fuck do I go about fixing this?

A/N: Angstttttt galore!! I hate writing angst with no happy ending but this doesn't seem to be a simple fix 🥲🥲
Pt 2? If anyone is interested

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