How do you love me? - A/F

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Warnings: negative talk about body image

As I stand starring at my reflection before me, I want to burst into tears. The little pouch that sticks out at the bottom of my stomach, the stretch marks along my thighs and bottom of my back and the bits of flab that stick out at the top of my back over my sports bra. "God I fucking hate myself" I whisper trying not to put my fist through the mirror in frustration. I stand there in different positions examining every inch of the vessel that keeps me alive and I have no appreciation for it. The more I look, the more overwhelmed I become but I can't peel my eyes away. Tears begin to cloud my vision as I cover my torso with my arms.

"Y/N?" Florence's voice breaks you from your trance as you jump and turn to her. She was standing in the bedroom doorway with an incredibly worried look on her face. "Hi Flo" you say as normally as you can and wipe the tears from under your eyes. Florence begins to come towards you but you move away. Once she has seen you have made space between the two of you, she stops moving. "Baby, what's wrong?" She asks. "Nothing Flo, I'm just getting changed" you turn away from her to try and find clothes to cover yourself with. "Y/N, don't do this, I have been standing there for 2 minutes, I saw that you're upset". You look down and feel a lump forming in your throat. You then raise your eyes to meet hers and she has a look of concern.

"How do you love me?" You ask, voice breaking this time. This question feels like a punch to Florence's stomach. There was never any question of her love towards you, she loved you more than life itself. "W-what?" She asks "Baby what do you mean?" You turn back to the mirror and say "Look at me Florence. I'm so ugly. You look like the Gods sculpted you themselves, how can someone who looks like you, love someone who looks like me?" You sob between breaths. Florence is immediately by your side and wraps her arms around you. You try to fight off her touch, insecurities reeling through you but she just held on tighter. You got tired of fighting it and crying so hard that your legs just gave out from under you. Florence brings you with her to the floor and just rocks you back and forth as you sob.

Minutes pass and you've calmed a little. "I-I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm crying. Jesus, you don't need to see me like this" Florence shifts to sit infront of you and you cover your stomach with your arms. She looks down at your actions and takes your hands in hers. "My gorgeous girl please don't ever apologise for feeling. Please talk to me about what you're feeling and what's brought these feelings on." She softly says rubbing her thumbs over the back of your hands. "I don't know, I just caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror while changing and I just spiralled, I just don't know how I can be loved when I look like this". The more you speak, the further Florence's heart shatters. She would move mountains for you and to hear you talk about yourself like this is devastating.

"Oh my sweet girl. Y/N, I love you because of everything you are. Every inch of your body, I love. Everything. And everything else about you too. Your infectious laugh caught my attention immediately the very first time I met you. You would pull the stars out of the sky for me if that's what I wanted. You love so unapologetically. You love me like I'm the only person in the world. I never, ever, want to spend my life and build a life with someone other than you. Everything you are is nothing short of phenomenal. I know that everybody can't feel on top of the world all of the time but I need you to hear me when I say you are my most favourite person. You are the love of my life. You have a spark that nobody else has. I get you. All of you. And that, that's my proudest achievement, being able to spend my life with you" Florence finishes and wipes her eyes as she's now crying too.

You just sit there, still taking in what she has said. You slowly reach for her face and caress her cheek. You lean forward and wrap your arms around her. She instantly holds you tighter than she has ever done. "Thank you. Thank you for loving me the way you do, through the good and the bad. Thank you for sitting with me while I have a meltdown about my insecurities" you laugh out while still crying. She pulls away from the hug and kisses you hard. It takes you by surprise for a second but you kiss her back. She pulls away from the kiss and hugs you again. "Let me just hold you for a minute" you nod at her statement and rest your head on her shoulder.

Florence then helps you up from the floor and takes your hand. "You and I are going to take a shower." You look a little confused but go with it anyways. The shower wasn't sexual but it was intimate. She washes your body and your hair. You told her you were able to do it yourself but she insisted. The last hour exhausted you from crying so hard but you were so glad that you had your girl to help you stand back up.

A/N: I just want to put this note in to let every person who might see this know, you are BEAUTIFUL. Inside and out. No matter your body type, no matter what you physically look like, you are so beautiful.

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