Why don't you want to kiss me? - F

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Sitting in the green room at a table read for the second season of the show 'Love is All Around Us', we were all excited and conspiring what would unfold in the coming season. This is the first time we had all been in the same room for nearly a year and a half. Sitting across from me was my co-star and friend, Florence Pugh.

Silence fell upon everyone when the script writers and directors took their seats. We had an idea of what was to come this season but it would be solidified in this first table read. As time went on, highlighting important parts of the script, everything became clearer and we had a direction. One of the two script writers turned to me and said "y/n, this season you will have a love interest" my curiosity made me sit up and listen intently. "Your character will have romantic encounters with Florence's" My heart sank as I looked up at Florence who was smirking at me. I just half-heartily smiled and nodded. I sort of tuned out the rest of the session and packed up my things and left once we were done.

The following week, we all moved into where we were staying for filming location. Exploring the sets again, getting outfit fittings, hair and makeup shoots, the works that come before filming even begins. I purposely went out of my way to avoid Florence during this time and I think people began to catch on. Weird looks and glances were exchanged because myself and Florence were tied at the hip last season. I had always been a huge fan of all her work but to get to know her and the altruistic person that she is, was something to marvel about.

Now don't get me one bit wrong, being Florence's love interest this season was something that should've excited me. Getting to act with someone on that level who you're so comfortable with, it's fantastic. But Florence made it clear from the last season that she did not enjoy the love triangle that her character ended up in. In almost every interview that she was asked about it, the love interest part of the series was the most boring to her and she wanted nothing to do with being in a love triangle. So knowing that she found it 'boring' disheartened me and took my excitement away, as I was now the person that she had to be involved with in this season.

Filming had now begun and I was the one making things tense between Florence and I. I didn't want it to be but instead of just talking to her or the script writer's ahout it, I chose to make it awkward. Which only resulted in upsetting myself more.

The following Friday evening, I was in my apartment just watching TV. I heard an intense knock on the door. Furrowing my brows I stood up to answer the door. I looked through the peep hole but it was covered. I questioned as to if I should answer it but curiosity got the better of me. Standing infront of me was Florence who didn't seem overly impressed. Before I could even open my mouth, she stormed past me and into the main living room. Rolling my eyes I closed the door and followed her.

"Florence! Make yourself at home why don't you!' I said, my voice dripping in sarcasm. 'Cut the bullshit y/n' she snapped. I was a little taken aback by the attitude but I inevitably knew this conversation was coming. 'Florence what the fuck man' I immediately got defensive. She must have realised her tone and her angered gaze softened. 'Shit I'm sorry y/n, I just want to know why you've been avoiding me for the last like 2 weeks but every time I try to get close, you're gone' she stated sadly. Guilt began to creep up my bloodstream but I steadied myself. 'No I haven't?' I lied. 'Come on y/n, you've avoided me since the table read the first day here' she said but something in her expression shifted, like she had a realisation.

'Why don't you want to kiss me?' She asked. My head snapped up to meet her eyes. 'What?' I asked, voice wavering slightly. 'You've been avoiding me since the table read, the one where you were told that our characters were going to be together this season' I wasn't too sure how to respond but I figured I might as well tell the truth.

'My problem isn't that I don't want to kiss you, it's that you don't want to kiss me' I say firmly. Confusion falls over her face as the wheels turn in her head. 'You've said so many times that you hated the love triangle that your character was in last season and that the love interest part of it was the most boring. You have made your opinion on it very clear so why should I want to be part of something that you've so publicly stated that you disliked.' The words tumbled out of my mouth before I could even stop them. I bring my eyes to Florence's face and it's like a lightbulb moment for her. She squeezes her eyes shut and sighs. 'Shit, I'm so sorry y/n, I didn't even think about that, it's not that I hated it, I just didn't think a love triangle is where my character should've ended up last season' she tries to reason with me. 'Flo it's fine, you don't have to make excuses up' I say to her. 'No, I want to kiss you' she states a little too quickly. I sort of laugh 'Florence really, it's fine, if you dont want our characters to kiss you can go to the script writers. You don't have to do it to make me feel better'. 'No, I want to kiss you' she says slowly, a little less confident now than she was moments ago.

It's now my turn to allow confusion to fall over me as I'm taking in what she's saying. 'I don't want to go to the script writers, because I think I'm just looking for any excuse at this point to kiss you' her eyes now looking anywhere but my own. Noticing how small she's beginning to feel, I march forward and crash my lips onto hers. It takes her a second fo realise what's happening but when she does, her hands fall into place on your hips and pull you closer. You feel her smile into the kiss and break away. She looks up at you with her big green eyes and smiles. 'I'm definitely not going to the script writers'.

A/N: this was literally just my dream but instead of Florence, it was Jenna Ortega about Wednesday lollll, hope you have a great day <3

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