But I get to kiss you now - F

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Warnings: none :)


It wasnt often that celebs get to wind down and just have some fun. It's always go go go, but this weekend your schedule was free and it just happened that your best friend, Florence's schedule was free too.
You met Florence 3 years ago shooting a movie together. You both instantly clicked and became close. Sometimes that's a bad thing in a friendship but you both agreed that the universe tied you two together, as completely platonic soulmates. Everyone and anyone knew that you and Florence were as thick as thieves. Any free weeks or weekends, you'd always find yourself in her company. Whether it was meeting at a completely new destination or finding her on your doorstep, you just loved having her around.

Now, they always say 'stage one is denial' and they would be correct, but you've been stuck in stage one about your feelings for Florence for atleast a year now. You weren't always actively thinking about your big fat crush on her, but there were little moments where you two would be cuddled up or looks linger a little too long and you catch yourself thinking 'this feels more than platonic' but you convince yourself that you and Florence are just so close that it doesn't matter. Florence's love language is so evident physical touch so it's hard to decipher what's normal and what's flirty with her. This of course was never a problem until you found yourself falling for the blonde a little over a year ago.

Back to reality.. You were lounging around, waiting for Florence to arrive as you both had decided that you were going to go to the new nightclub that had opened in the city. This nightclub was exclusive, sometimes invite only but you had to be well known to get in. With your name and Florence's, you both had no problem with scoring wristbands for the night out.

Florence arrives half an hour later, wide grin and sparkly eyed, eager to get the night started. "Chop chop Y/N, get the wine glasses out!!" Florence announces as she barges through your front door. Laughing at her thick English accent and her antics, you knew not to keep her waiting when booze was involved. Making a beeline for the kitchen, you grab 2 wine glasses out of the cupboard and placing them on the counter. Flornece pulls out 2 bottles of wine as your eyes widen. This girl was not messing around when she said she wanted to get white girl wasted tonight. The drinking began and Florence made sure you had music on the speaker, you were chatting and laughing as you both sipped away conspiring about what this club was going to be like.


3 hours later and a fair bit of wine, you and Florence stepped out of the Uber and stood looking at the entrance of the club. You both looked at each other and grinned, almost running to get the party started. Almost stumbling into the main bar with the dance floor, your jaws hang at the decor and atmosphere. Party central but with class. Mahogany bar tops, strobe lights in almost every colour, steps down to the dance floor and a huge DJ booth above.

You both make your way to the bar "shots?" Florence looked at you and wiggles her eyebrows. "Of course my dear Flo, I would have expected nothing less" you laugh at your friend beside you. You both order a round of tequila shots. Grimacing at the burning sensation in your throat, Florence pulls you to the dance floor.

You can't help but stare. Under the lights, every detail of her face highlighted perfectly, her eyes shimmering but hazy from the drink. You snap out of your trance as Florence takes your hand to dance with her. Songs and songs pass as you both have the time of your lives dancing so carefree in each other's company.

"I'm going to get us another drink" you shout over the music so Florence can hear you. "Okay, I'll stay here but don't be too long" she replies as she squeezes your hand. You make your way off the dance floor and catch your breath. You stand at the bar for no longer than 5 minutes and order two vodka and cokes. You thank the bartender and make your way back to the dance floor. As you spot Florence you can see a man talking to her. She doesn't seem overly interested in what he's saying to her but jealousy begings to rise anyways. Get a fucking grip y/n, why are you jealous? You reach Florence and it's clear as day that he's trying to make a move. "C'mon, you're gorgeous and I think you should give me just on chance" what a sleeze. Florence throws her head back and laughs in his face "sorry man, I'm not single" your head snaps in Florence's direction. "Oh yeah? And what lucky man gets you claim you as his?" Yep, definitely a sleeze. "Actually this lucky lady" Florence says as she wraps her arm around your waist. You choke on your drink at the comment and the contact around your waist. The guy looks between you two with an indecipherable look. "You two?" The guy questions pointing back and forth "I don't believe you". You go to speak but Florence grabs you by the collar of your shirt and kisses you hard. The guy just scoffs and walks off. You're standing there, mouth gaped gripping onto the drinks for dear life.

"Sorry Y/N, I had to get rid of him somehow", disappointment begins to flow through you as you remember that men are just creepy and she needed an excuse to get him off her case. "Yea" you half heartedly laugh "no problem" you say as you hand her your drink. You no longer feel the buzz of alcohol anymore. Florence continues dancing without any care but you are now far too aware that you're standing in a sweaty room full of booze and hormones. Florence comes too and can sense your change in humour. "What's wrong baby" you cringe at the name because it means nothing, well not what you want it to mean. You force a smile and say "nothing Flo, I'm all good". She furrows her brow at you, not very convinced "I think you're forgetting I know you far too well to know when you're lying". "I'm okay Florence really, don't worry" you continue your lies. She pulls you off the dancefloor to the upper area where it's less crowded and easier to hear without shouting into someone's ear.

"I'm sorry for kissing you back there. Your humour changed since the interaction with the guy, I really didn't mean to overstep and I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable" she holds your hand, interlocking her pinky with yours. "No Flo it's fine, I really didn't mind you kissing me" okay.. still drunk for that sentence to come out of my mouth. Florence looks a little shocked at how forward you were. You look anywhere but her eyes, refusing to meet her gaze.
She holds you by the side of your face, forcing your gaze to meet hers. The blood rushed to your cheeks at the intensity she's looking at you. She glances down at your lips and you think the alcohol is making you hallucinate. "I think the guy was just an excuse for me to kiss you" she says. You look at her confused but as she begins to lean in, you meet her half way.

Time stops. Nothing else exists in this moment. This kiss is different. This kiss holds truth and emotion. There's no music, there's nobody else, nothing else is there and certainly nothing else matters in this moment. You pull away first and look at her. Now she's the one who can't meet your gaze. "Hey" you say softly to bring her attention back to your face "are you okay?" Florence nods "I've wanted to kiss you for a while now" You laugh at her statement and reply "so you're telling me if I grew a pair a while ago, I could've kissed you before now" It's Florence's turn to laugh and she wraps her arms around your middle, pulling you into a hug. You hold her and you both sway back and forth. "Do you want to get out of here?" You ask. Florence looks at you suggestively. You laugh at that "get your head out of the gutter Pugh, I mean I think we have to talk" Florence grabs your hand and pulls you outside.

You both stroll down the streets that are coming to life and you make your way to the park. You both sit on a bench and Florence begins to shiver. You pull your blazer off, draping it around her shoulders. "Such a gentlewoman" Florence jests as you just shake your head at her. "I know we have to talk" Florence begins "but I'd also really just like to kiss you again" you look at her and place your hand under her jaw and kiss her. This kiss turns into a make out, only pulling away when breathing becomes a problem.

"Okay, I'm just going to say it, I've liked you for a while, and if I'm not being too bold in assuming, I think you feel the same. I don't really know what this means yet, but I'd like to start with taking you on a date if you'd let me" you finish speaking and look at Florence who is already gazing at you. "I'd like that, I'd really like that" she smiles "and I'd like to see where this goes if that's what you want. I don't think much has to change. We already spend every free moment we have together, but I get to kiss you now" you laugh at her comment and nod in agreement. Kissing her forehead you wrap your arm around her shoulder as she leans into you. You feel completely content sitting here with something more than platonic starting to bloom with your favourite person.

A/N: I kind of like this one, I never know how to finish them off tho 🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️

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