Saving My Sweetheart

526 19 1

Noelle - Think of something dry.
Y/n - Like His Highness Callisto's sense of humour?
Noelle - No that's too dry


Sig - Were you dropped on your head as a kid?!
Y/n - Bold of you to assume I was held


Josephina - This kind of idiocy will not be tolerated here
Y/n - Is there another type of idiocy you would prefer?


Y/n - Barnes hold still
Barnes - What're you doing Y/n?
Y/n, writing something on Barnes's arm - I said hold still!
Barnes - .....
Why did you write your name on my arm?
Y/n - I always put my name on what's mine.
Barnes - .....
Barnes, blushing furiously - Wha-


Genie!Y/n - You have one more wish left
Julius - I wish I was a star
Gen☆e!Y/n - K☆ind of we☆rd but okay


Y/n - I'm useless....
Yuria - You're NOT useless
You can be used as a bad example!
Y/n - ......

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