How to Hide the Emperor's Child

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Y/n - Kaizen look in the mirror!You know what I see, I see a young, capable and strong leaderYoung!Kaizen - Really?Y/n - Oh look, you're here too!

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Y/n - Kaizen look in the mirror!
You know what I see, I see a young, capable and strong leader
Young!Kaizen - Really?
Y/n - Oh look, you're here too!


Waiter!Y/n - That's nice of you to say ma'am but how would you like your steak?
Astelle - Well done


Y/n, proudly - I've finally conquered my fear of ghosts
Servel - That's the spirit!
Y/n - What the fuck-Where?!


Y/n - I know what I need!
Astelle - Therapy?
Grandpa - An exorcism?
Y/n - I was going to say some 'love and aprreciation'-
*Theore coming and hugging Y/n*


Fritz - If you were a flower, which one do you think you would be?
Y/n - A cactus
Fritz - I'm not sure th-
Y/n - It's green, beautiful and most of all it stabs people


Y/n - I searched everywhere
Velian - What?
Y/n - I looked through hundreds of files
Searched through my text messages
I even searched my wardrobe
But...I still couldn't find where I asked your opinion
Velian - ..............

a/n: tbh i thought i was never going to read it but I did and i dont regret it. i really thought iwas going to cry while reading but turns out I didn't shed even a single tear. lemme make it perfectly clear I read this manhwa just for theor, astelle and the grandpa, everybody else is irrelevent. ALSO GUYS REMEMBER COMMUNICATION IS THE KEY TO A SUCCESSFUL LIFE! ngl i want servel to be the ml, idc if it's already official but servel suits astelle. plus their visuals together is just...*chef's kiss*....  

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