My In Laws Are Obsessed With Me

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Saoirse - What did you eat for breakfast?Y/n - Fried and Seasoned Potato SlicesSaoirse -

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Saoirse - What did you eat for breakfast?
Y/n - Fried and Seasoned Potato Slices
Saoirse - .....
Y/n - Pringles. I had Pringles for breakfast


Lapileon!Y/n - How come whenever I want to have fun, you don't let me?
Pereshati - Because whenever you have fun, people die
Lapileon!Y/n - Your point?


Celphius - That's not smart
Y/n - When have we ever done anything smart?


Y/n - Any news?
Phineas - Not yet, we're still waiting for your X-ray
Y/n - Who the fuck is Ray?! They are my ex?
Phineas - ......
Y/n - Come on now, tell me!
Phineas, writing on a paper - We might need to do a brain scan as well....


Y/n - How do I look?
Therdeo - With your eyes
Y/n - No, no like do I look pretty, beautiful, handsome etc.
Therdeo - Etc.


Gloria - Are you ready to commit?
Y/n - Like a crime or a relationship?

A/n: so I'm in love with this manhwa and especially Saoirse. I was sobbing at 3 am while reading what happened to her. Put it simply every Lapileon is precious. I really like how realistic Pereshati is written in this manhwa and novel. Also the flashbacks that Pereshati has of her childhood are just  ༎ຶ⁠‿⁠༎ຶ
Her stepmother was such a kind person in her childhood but we still don't know what drove her to kill Pereshati.
I'm on Chapter 40 so I don't know much.
Anyways thank you chryxpark for the request. I really enjoyed reading this manhwa

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