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"Captain Typho has more than enough men downstairs. No assassin would try that way," Obi-Wan announces briskly as he strides into the meeting room, casually tossing his robe onto the couch. "Any activity up here?"

"Quiet as a tomb," Raina responds, her voice calm and steady.

"I don't like just waiting for something to happen to her," Anakin admits, his tone tinged with frustration.

Raina bites her tongue, suppressing a sigh as Anakin once again directs his attention toward Padmé. His infatuation with the senator has been a constant source of irritation since their arrival, and Raina struggles to maintain her composure in the face of his relentless fixation. Though she harbors no ill will toward Padmé herself, the incessant chatter about her is beginning to wear on Raina's nerves.

"Anakin," She interjects, her tone firm yet gentle, "we must remain focused on the task at hand."

To her relief, Anakin falls silent, allowing the conversation to progress without further distraction.

"She covered the cameras," Anakin remarks, drawing Raina's attention back to the discussion at hand, "I don't think she liked me watching her."

Raina furrows her brow, contemplating the implications of Padmé's actions. Anakin's observation is valid, and Raina finds herself silently agreeing with his assessment.

"What was she thinking?" Obi-Wan muses aloud as he strides over to the edge of the hall, his expression thoughtful.

"She programmed R2 to warn us if there's an intruder," Anakin explains, his tone tinged with a note of admiration.

"There are many other ways to kill a senator," Obi-Wan observes, his arms crossed as he regards his young apprentice.

"I know, but we also want to catch this assassin, don't we, master?" Anakin counters, his voice tinged with determination.

Obi-Wan's gaze softens slightly, his expression one of reluctant approval. 

"You're using her as bait," He notes, his tone grave as he regards Anakin with a measure of concern.

"It was her idea, master," Raina interjects, coming to Anakin's defense, "She's willing to take the risk if it means apprehending the assassin."

"Don't worry, no harm will come to her. I can sense everything happening in that room," Anakin assures them confidently, "Trust me."

"It's too risky," Obi-Wan insists, his tone firm as he regards his young apprentice, "Besides, your senses aren't that attuned, my young apprentice."

The conversation reaches an impasse, and the trio settles into a tense silence, each lost in their own thoughts. Anakin stands by the window, his gaze fixed on the bustling city below, while Raina hovers nearby, a silent sentinel at his side. Obi-Wan, ever the vigilant guardian, takes a seat by the couch, his eyes scanning the room for any sign of trouble.

"You look tired," Obi-Wan observes, breaking the silence with a note of concern in his voice.

"I don't sleep anymore, not unless Raina watches over me," Anakin admits, nodding toward Raina with a grateful smile.

"Because of your mother?" Obi-Wan inquires gently, his gaze sympathetic.

Anakin nods, his expression clouded with sorrow. 

"I don't know why I keep dreaming about her," He confesses.

"Dreams will pass with time, Anakin," Raina assures him, stepping forward to offer her support, "I used to be plagued with dreams of my father... but now I hardly ever have them."

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