The rules regarding to the questions

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Questions regarding s3xu@l interactions will not be accepted
Gifts that are appropriate will be allowed to be given to the characters
Questions regarding someone's past will not be allowed as triggering what happened in the past will cause a panic attack to the character that was asked
Questions about relationships will be allowed to know what my ships are
Hate comments will be deleted to make sure that the person that made this 'QnA' does not feel bad about themselves
Questions asked towards the dead will be allowed as long as you don't make them start to worry about someone they know that is still alive
Every character except side characters (if i dont know who the character you mention is, then i will not do your question) are the ones receiving the questions
My ocs are -Blue Spider Lily (female), Crown (Male), Thought-bubble (Male), and PC (Male) ~i will show the designs when you ask one of the ocs a question~
You can ask the characters how they met and you will see how they met by the drawing shown
Puns can be made to make me laugh and you can be featured on the "JOKE WALL" if you make me laugh
The final rule is to NOT ask me to draw your oc design as I will take a while to draw it

Thank you for reading the rules now ask your questions by commenting on the next sentence

Ask your questions here!!!

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