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I have a message!
The incident will be published soon to show what happened to cheesy and why cheesy wishes to never talk about it.
To give more information, something happened in the hotel and it caused cheesy to leave the place, so the chapter will be posted on here and the story will take a while so please note that it will take me a while to post the story.
You will also get some angst moments from the cast if you ask a question that triggers their past.
There will also be moments where i will drop some hints as to what my ships are and i will give a shoutout to the people who guess my ship correctly and this is my au. So if you see a ship you hate, then out of this QnA as this is what my universe is.
If you are confused on why I ship these ships, it is all because of the incident.

Thank you for your time!

Asks are still open!!!

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