#4 - Ocean

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1. The ocean is the world's largest habitat: The ocean covers over 70% of the Earth's surface and is home to an incredible diversity of plant and animal life. Scientists estimate that up to 90% of the world's species live in the ocean.

2. The ocean is not uniformly blue: While we often think of the ocean as being a uniform shade of blue, its color actually varies depending on a number of factors, including the amount of sunlight, the depth of the water, and the presence of microscopic plants and animals. Some areas of the ocean can appear green, brown, or even pink.

3. The ocean contains mountains and valleys: The ocean floor is not flat, but rather has a complex landscape of mountains, valleys, and canyons. The world's longest mountain range, the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, runs through the center of the Atlantic Ocean and is nearly 10,000 miles long. The deepest part of the ocean, the Mariana Trench, is over 36,000 feet deep and is located in the western Pacific Ocean.

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