Chapter 2

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When you got on board, the Crux Fleet immediately set sail. Looking back at the docks, you saw Kokomi's motionless figure.

You turned around, not wanting to look there anymore.

You walked slowly, hoping to find a place to sit. Kazuha followed after you turned around, with the same speed.

You saw one of the stairs and sat on one of the steps. Kazuha sat to your right.

You both emerged into eternal silence. Looking down, hands together, both of you were lost in their minds.

«But why...? Nothing makes sense. Why would she?»

«I just can't believe it.»

«I feel horrible. It feels awful»

Tons of more dreadful thoughts crossed your mind, making you feel more confused and miserable with every second.

Kazuha decided to pay attention to his surroundings after a while. He looked to his left, and saw you.

Inspecting you, he found something new.

"Is that a Cryo Vision?", he asked.

You came back from your mind and looked down at your Vision.

"Yeah, it is... I don't know how I got it." You actually did, but you tried to forget what Kokomi quoted.

"Receiving a gift and acknowledgement from Celestia... Visions are given for a reason. What happened?", he asked.

"Uh...", you tried not to remember it.

"If you're comfortable, of course. I just want to know." He said.

"Well, really... I ran to Chinju Forest, after finding out Gorou had died...", you began telling the story.

"I do recall that you said Gorou died." Kazuha said, visibly pushing the thoughts out of his mind. "But when was that? Wasn't he in Watatsumi Island and alive with you?"

"More or less... until today. Or, I don't know when, but he was alive until yesterday." You breathed in and out, trying to relax yourself before continuing to speak.

You breathed deep.

"W-we... we found him dead near the entrance of Enkanomiya, and I thought he might've been killed by the Fatui, but-", you began to sob, "Kokomi admitted she killed him!", you said with anger. "I can't believe it!"

"W-wait, you say she admitted it, but when?", Kazuha tried to catch up.

"When I went to Chinju Forest, there was a little girl who was looking for me. Sayu... she told me that it was Kokomi who killed them, since she had seen it all. Then Kokomi arrived, and she said it was true...", you looked down.

"So if she confirmed it, then it definitely was true." He saddened. "And is that when you received a Vision?", he curiously asked.

"N-no, it was later on... Kokomi had-", you tried explaining it. "She kissed me, a-and- she pushed me to the ground, and kept on kissing- and I don't get how, but... a Vision descended from above." You said.

"So that makes sense... Cryo Visions are said to be given to those who feel unloved. I can see why you felt that way." Kazuha put a hand on his chest. "It must've been horrible. I'm sorry for you." He said with guilt.

"That's not that bad... well, it is, but I'm so upset that she killed everyone else... why?! I don't get her. What was the need?!", you got more upset, even.

Kazuha remained silent.

That was enough for you to burst into tears, feeling stinging pains in your heart.

Kazuha understood you and hugged you from beside. He began to cry too, but more delicately.

You put your palms to your eyes, but nothing improved.

He lowered his head.

You tried to calm down. Some of the people around you were looking at you with a confused expression. But it was really hard — how is there a way to feel better about all of this?

After a while, you managed it. Your tears stopped flowing and your heartbeats were less intense. It was a really big effort.

You looked up and sighed. Kazuha did the same.

Beidou approached you.

"So, you're feeling better now?", she asked, placing a hand on her hip.

"Yeah...", you said.

"Don't worry, you don't have to tell me the whole story. I get you", she reassured you.

"Thank you...", you slightly raised your eyebrows.

"You'll be fine with us, we'll be somewhere safe. Besides, the Crux is always here to help. If anyone is not respectful, just tell me, and I'll handle it." She told you.

You smiled.

"That is true. The Crux Fleet behaves as if everyone is family, and they're always nice to everyone on the Alcor." Kazuha said, remembering his own experiences.

"Well, how could we not?", Beidou smiled.

All these words filled you with happiness. They made you feel you had someone to trust in. Guess being in the Alcor wasn't so bad. At least it was to leave Inazuma, and never come back.

You wouldn't have to see Kokomi anymore.

Looking around, there weren't many people who were still looking at you. Probably because Beidou stepped in.

Well, it was about time to clear your mind. You got up and went to walk around.

You walked over to the rail, taking in the view of the sea. The sea of Inazuma was as purple as ever, but there was a gradient to normal blue as you got closer to Liyue.

Kazuha came from behind. "Feeling the air against oneself is relaxing, and it's certainly a form of calming yourself. I, at least, feel a bit better. What about you?", he said.

"It's true that it relaxes me", you said. "The air now feels purer than ever, maybe because of how it contrasts with how I feel."

"That's right." He said. He leaned his elbows on the rail.

You looked at him. You smiled a bit, since he was smiling to the distance.

You stayed there for quite some time. Tranquility was between you two, but it wasn't awkward since you were each on your own thoughts. It felt peaceful. It was making you finally clear your mind and making you feel better.

You saw the moon rising from the horizon. You came back to the real world when you saw it, and realised how much time you had spent there. You turned to look at the crew.

Each one was accommodating different things, coming and going. Captain Beidou was also going around, and some of her ladies were helping her prepare dinner.

Though you heard there wasn't always too much to eat in the Crux, you were surprised that it was more than you imagined. There was a lot of fish to prepare.

"During their stay in Ritou, they managed to catch quite a few fish." Kazuha mentioned from behind. "Though I think they caught a few here on the trip as well, most of them are from Inazuma."

"Oh, you're right." You said. "I forgot they had stayed for that long. Or maybe not that long, but long enough to catch enough fish."

You looked at the food and the preparations. Although it looked like a tasty meal, you really didn't have much of an appetite and preferred to sleep rather than eat tonight.

All the mixed feelings had your body in a strange way, and maybe the food would only add to the mix. You decided to go to sleep earlier.

Going with Kazuha, you went to the rooms below the wheelhouse to get some rest. Juza was standing there, and there were few people there.

You went over to one of the beds, and laid down to sleep.

You hoped this night you would have good dreams.

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