Author Spotlight: Arveliot

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This month's spotlighted author is @Arveliot with their story The Everburning City

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This month's spotlighted author is @Arveliot with their story The Everburning City

This month's spotlighted author is @Arveliot with their story The Everburning City

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What sparked the inspiration to write the story?

I wanted to make a world. 

 Growing up, a few fantasy stories stuck with me, over the years. Tad Williams' Otherland, as well as Memory, Sorrow, & Thorn. Dune. The Wheel of Time. The Lord of the Rings. And more recently The Malazan Book of the Fallen affected not only my imagination, but subtly shifted how I see the world. I found, after all that, I wanted to so something similar.

What inspired you to start writing on Wattpad?

It seemed like a good place to gauge how I was doing as an author.

Budding authors face countable hindrances, what hindrance(s) did you face the most?

Stepping out of treating writing as a hobby. I want to make a career out of it, but I'm also afraid to commit to the things I'd need to do to get there.

Negative criticism is inevitable, how do you deal with it? And what would you suggest the others do when faced with such?

I say 'thank you', and as long as the criticism is thoughtful, I'd suggest you do the same. 

 If you think improving as a writer is important, criticism is the single best still to learn if what you're doing works well, and discover what needs work. 

 And keep in mind: if it isn't thoughtful and it's negative, it's not criticism. It's just insulting.  

What according to you sets Military Fiction apart from other genres?

 Military Fiction often faces the grim underside of what fantasy wars or conflicts really look like. Especially the pain and the cost. 

 In some ways, military fiction is often a stronger anti-war message than most.

What do you feel is the biggest myth about writers?

That we don't find writing hard. 

 Horrifying myth. I don't think anyone finds writing as hard as a writer does. 

Your go to cure for a bad day?

Sleep on it. 

 Like Robert Heinlein said, happiness is getting enough sleep. Nothing more. 


How do you avoid or get out of writers' block?

No idea. Wish I knew. I'd bottle it, sell it, get rich, & retire.

Any advice for your fellow/new writers?

Make mistakes. Be ambitious. Treat your story as if it will matter to someone else. 

What's your message for our readers?

You are what keeps a lot of us going. Thank you.

We're delighted to have @Arveliot as one of our spotlighted authors! Interested to know how you can become one?

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